Achmad Abidanie Syahrizaldy, UNESA Labschool student participated in an event at his school.
Unesa. ac.id., SURABAYA–The announcement of the results of the National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT) on Thursday, June 13 2024 is a very decisive and exciting moment for Achmad Abidanie Syahrizaldy.
The reason is, the UNESA Labschool High School student followed the SNBT route by choosing the Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Medicine study program as a place to study.
The son of Wendy Leo Rizaldy and Diah Ayu Hardianie is anxiously awaiting the results. After the announcement was made available, how happy Abidanie was after seeing his name qualify for his dream campus.
"I chose the Medicine study program at UGM, one of which is that I also want to fulfill my parents' wishes and desires. I am also happy with the study program, because I am from the Mathematics and Natural Sciences department," he said.
Apart from that, the student born in 2006 shared his learning experiences so that he could be accepted at one of the best campuses in Indonesia.
"Because I have the intention, I study regularly ", but more about discipline and commitment in achieving dreams and finding the right time to study," he said.
For him, each student has their own learning style or model, because each individual has their own characteristics in learning so that the knowledge they learn is easy to understand.
"With an average SNBT score of 800- "And, during high school I never played truant, I paid attention to the teacher when explaining in class and attended tutoring outside of school hours. My learning model was more comfortable with friends outside the home, because I could exchange ideas with each other," he explained.
For Abidanie, being able to pass the SNBT route is a matter of pride, but also realizing that this is the beginning of a study journey that needs to be pursued and carried out wholeheartedly.
"For now, my hope is that I will be successful in my studies, especially hopefully I can graduate on time and get a good GPA," he said.[]
Reporter: Mocammad Ja'far Sodiq (FIP)Editor: @zam*
Photo: Abidanie's personal doc
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