Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (BEM FMIPA) of Surabaya State University celebrated Earth Day by holding a national webinar entitled "Natural and Social Dynamics: Culture of Disaster Awareness on Earth Due to Human Actions" on Saturday (4/24/2021).
Through the event, BEM FMIPA aims to recognize and educate the public about disasters, impacts and factors that often occur lately. In addition, it also invites the public to understand and realize how to anticipate and minimize the impact of disasters.
The webinar began by singing the songs Indonesia Raya and Mars Unesa. Followed by speeches, speakers' presentations and question and answer sessions. The speakers are Dean of FMIPA Unesa, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Si. and Mukhtarodin Widodo, S.T., Disaster Mitigation Analyst of BPBD East Java Province.
Madlazim explained that disasters are life-threatening and disruptive events caused by natural or non-natural or human factors. According to him, there are at least 10 disasters that often occur in Indonesia, namely floods, extreme weather, abrasions, earthquakes, droughts, landslides, fires, tsunamis, disease outbreaks, and erupting mountains.
Therefore, he continued, in the midst of the threat of disaster, there needs to be disaster mitigation to reduce the risk that can be posed from disasters. The trick, can be through physical development as well as awareness and increase the ability to face the threat of disaster. "Disasters occur sometimes without being detected, therefore it is important that mitigation efforts are made, so that the impact of disasters can be minimized," he said.
Meanwhile, Mukhtarodin explained, disaster risk measures begin with risk prevention efforts that eliminate threats and vulnerabilities or trigger disaster events. Risk reduction can be done by disaster mitigation and preparedness efforts, risk transfer (insurance), and risk acceptance.
"Natural disasters that occur because there is vulnerability or vulnerability. With the danger of nature and caused by human actions, natural disasters occur," he said.
He continued that, in addition to risk prevention, it is also important to understand the stages of disaster management. First, pre-disaster with responsiveness, early warning, and mitigation. Second, in times of disaster with emergency response. Third, post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction.
"In disaster management, we can use the main strategies in countermeasures, ranging from improving disaster management policies and institutions to developing disaster recovery systems," madlazim said. (Madina/zam)
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