Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–The UNESA Curriculum and Educational Technology Department Student Association (HMJ KTP) held a national webinar with the theme "Mastering Technology with Wise and Creative in the World of Education" on Sunday, December 5, 2021. On that occasion, HMJ KTP UNESA collaborated with extraordinary speakers, such as Dana Octarany, M.Pd. As Research and Development SEAMEO SEAMOLEC, besides that, Neni Mariana S.pd., M.Sc., Ph.D, PGSD FIP UNESA Lecturer was also present.
The event was opened by Dr. Andik Kristanto S.Pd., M.Pd., as the Head of the Department of Curriculum and Educational Technology UNESA. He said, humans are required to master technology wisely. On the one hand, technology does offer various advantages and conveniences, but on the other hand it can also be dangerous if not used properly.
In his material, Dana Octanary, M.Pd. apparently also highlighted the distance learning process used by various educational institutions in Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic. He stated that distance learning requires various components such as learning objectives, learning materials, achievements, assessments, tools and learning strategies.
According to him, the distance learning process is divided into 2 pathways, the first path is an "independent learning" path which includes learning individually or in groups, while the second path is a "guided learning" path which includes guidance by teachers or tutors or mentors.
He explained a program that the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) is currently working on, including the 3T Regional Program (Front, Remote and Disadvantaged): there are 114 frontline schools (SGD) in 15,000 villages in the 3T area, the Frontline Teacher program for 17,000 teachers, and One Roof Schools for 5,000 schools.
In the next topic entitled "Wisdom in Technology in Education", Neni Mariana S.pd., M.Sc., Ph.d. discusses various things, including pandemics and technology, the impact of technology on character, technology and good character, as well as conclusions on the various things above.
Not to forget, he also explained about wise principles in using technology such as appropriate social, physical development, privacy, digital literacy, cognitive development and child safety.
According to him, the character of parents is important in educating, guiding and controlling children with gadgets at home. The character of parents includes levels of stress, temperament, ignorance, emotion, violence to children, and neglect of a child. Meanwhile, the character of teachers during the pandemic includes the level of habits that are starting to become entrenched, such as relying too much on the instant and like to "copy and paste" whatever it is in the learning process. And for the character of students during the pandemic, it includes levels of gadget addiction, eye health problems and addiction to accessing forbidden sites. (UNESA PR)
Reporter: SAPUTRA
Editor: @zam*
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