Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – During the Final Report Preparation activities for the Implementation of Pendidikan Profesi Guru (PPG) in the Position of 2020, the participants have successfully compiled the final report according to the instructions from the Director of Teachers and Education Personnel. The statement was delivered directly by the Chairman of The Ketua Lembaga Pengembangan Pembelajaran dan Penjaminan Mutu (LP3M) Unesa, Dr. Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, M.Pd at the activities held at The Suite Hotel Surabaya, Sunday (13/12).
In his speech, Bachtiar added, for the last 4 days in this event, it produces 5 points. Among others, academic field review, cooperation field review, quality assurance field review, LMS (Learning Management System) field review and financial field review.
"There are several solutions or recommendations internally that will be improved. However, there are also some recommendations that require the power of the rector in this case to negotiate, provide inputs at the national level because it is the authority and capability of the rector to provide input," bachtiar said.
Furthermore, Bachtiar said that if the evaluation for the academic field, the average does not have difficulty in the implementation of PPG even though it must be carried out online. The average number of attendances and participation of both lecturers and students is very high. For the field of cooperation, it will strive to continue to be developed. Not only related to schools but also with the relevant education office so that cooperation is more institutionalized and more widespread.
"Specifically for the field of quality assurance, inputs have been given including to improve quality standards and quality management implementation of PPG In Office. As for the LMS field we need help if indeed this online model will be harvested, then we help the leadership to help related to sinya problems, wifi capacity, in ppg environment especially. So that the implementation of online learning can run well, including integrating LMS GTK with LMS owned by Unesa," he explained.
For finance, he highlighted that this field desperately needs help from leaders, especially in order to convey how difficult ppg unesa organizers with the new financial model.
At the end of the speech, Bachtiar did not forget to express his gratitude to all parties involved in the implementation of PPG In Office held in 4 section during 2020. (Suryo)
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