Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The Indonesian Language Department for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) Unesa again held the BIPA Unesa Opening Ceremony to welcome 63 foreign students from various countries. The event which was held online on Monday (24/5/2021) was attended by Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd as Deputy Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation, Octo Dendy Andriyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd as the head of the BIPA department, and Asrori, SS, M.Pd., BIPA lecturers and attended by all BIPA Unesa students .
In his remarks, Octo Dendy Andriyanto said that there was an increase in the interest of foreign speakers to learn Indonesian. This can be seen from the increase in the number of BIPA Unesa students from year to year. Last year there were only 20 to 30 students and this year there are 63 foreign students from various countries. There are those from Malaysia, South Korea, the Philippines, China, Thailand, Russia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Poland, Somalia, Egypt, Singapore, Japan, Austria, Colombia and several other countries.
The Bipa program is planned to start from May to July, with a system of holding 12 meetings, each one twice a week. There are several classes specifically opened for the BIPA program, including culture class, basic speaking class, and intermediate speaking class. "Of course, BIPA and KUI will collaborate with various parties in the success of the target number of foreign students at Unesa," said Octo.
In this event, BIPA students were also introduced to the rules, regulations and sharing of lecture schedules with their lecturers. In this case, Asrori explains to foreign students what can be learned in each class and how learning activities will run.
On that occasion, Sujarwanto welcomed the BIPA program students warmly and with full appreciation. "Welcome to join Unesa, enjoy learning Indonesian and Indonesian culture," he said. "After this program, the participants, BIPA students can become ambassadors for Indonesian language and culture in their respective countries," he hoped.
According to him, learning Indonesian for foreign speakers can be an opportunity to open up opportunities in the world of work, especially for companies that have investments in Indonesia. (Hasna / zam)
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