unesaaSa.ac.id. SURABAYA STATE UNIVERSITY (UNESA) in collaboration with Teacher Affiliation, Cultural Researchers, Language, Literature, Communication, Art, and Design (Apebskid) East Java held a webinar on Saturday, March 15, 2025. At the same time the East Java Apebskid Board of Trustees, Syafi'ul Anam said, this activity became a very strategic science assembly in strengthening the climate of the study and academic discussion on campus and outside the campus. UNY Literature Anthropology as well as the Indonesian Apebskid Board of Trustees said that it was related to "Hypertext study. Hyperreality, and hypermarket literature, art, communication, culture, and design ". One of the applications is in literature is the works related to animals or zoolies. Literature must be able to capture hypertex and present it in their work. work. "so that the last is necessary, hypermarkets, works not only express themselves, but are developed in the direction of hypermarket literary business, including bookstores not only provide buying books, but there are also playgrounds, places to eat, places of worship, etc." he said. First, the minimarket strategy, efforts to offer and sell literary works that are still small classes, in a small scope, there are times when personal, between friends, less legal, through the WhatsApp group, quietly, between personal. Literature, employees who are paid, like bookstores. The supermarket has used a little electronic media, even though it is still limited by the cashier, but gastronomy. Fourth, the concept of literary hypermarket requires several spaces such as displays, reading parks, playgrounds, canteens, meeting rooms, etc. that are designed in the context of hypermedia. This activity was also attended by other speakers; Ekarini Saraswati, academic at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang which discusses "Cultural Capital, Social Capital and Strategies to the Toeti Heraty and Dorothea Rosa Herliany." Next, Furoidatul Husniah, Jember Academics that discusses "Santri Women's Voice in Indonesian Literature: [] *** Reporter: Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud (FBS) Editor: @zam* Photo: Unesa Public Relations Team
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