Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–The Digital Business Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, UNESA held a webinar on digital business career prospects as well as socializing the Digital Business study program on Saturday (10/07/2021). The event carried the theme 'Expand Yout Growth Potentials' by presenting Alvan Alvian, as Principal Product Lead at by.U Indonesia and Rofyka Raharjeng, Global Digital Professional as resource persons.
The activity which was held at 09.00 WIB was attended by more than 350 participants consisting of high school students and the equivalent, teachers, lecturers, students, and even from the general public. Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business UNESA Dr. Anang Kistyanto, S.Sos., M.Si said that the industrial revolution 4.0 is no longer a discourse in discourse, but has intervened and occurred in people's lives, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.
According to him, the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the industrial revolution 4.0. Surveys and research from the World Economics Forum (WEF) show that tens of thousands of jobs are lost and replaced with new types of digital-based jobs.
From this shift requires skills and competencies both to fill needs and become key players. "Well, this study program (UNESA Digital Business, ed) is here to fill the competency needs of the 21st century," he said.
Regarding the opening of the study program, Anang explained that the Digital Business study program was in accordance with the national education system and in accordance with applicable regulations. Then for the matter of accreditation, his party emphasized that it will reaccredit in the third year as well as apply for international accreditation. "Before the first batch graduates, we guarantee that this study program has at least B-accredited," he said optimistically.
Meanwhile, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd said that the Digital Business study program was listed as the first public university study program in East Java. Therefore, the study program has become a pioneer as well as the key to the development of the digital business sector in East Java and its surroundings.
"This is an opportunity for everyone, because it will lead the business aspect towards digital-based creativity," he said. "We believe that this new study program can revive the economy in Indonesia and revive the business base such as e-commerce, digital marketing and many more," he continued.
On that occasion, Alvan Alvian delivered material on "The Most Demanded Professional Competencies in Digital Industry". Meanwhile, Rofyka Raharjeng discussed the material "How to Master Skills in Digital Workplace". After the presentation of material and discussion session. The event continued with the socialization of the Digital Business study program by Hujjatullah Fazlurrahman, S.E., MBA as the Head of the Digital Business Study Program, FEB UNESA. (QQ)
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