Unesa .ac.id Surabaya - Surabaya State University held a Tracer Study and Exposition Socialization and Career Center (5/21) which will be applied within the university. This activity was attended by the dean deputy dean of student affairs Head of BAKPK Head of Student Affairs and Head of Sub Unit of Unesa. The event which was held in the 11th Floor Auditorium began at 09.00 am.
Vice Chancellor for Student and Alumni Affairs Dr. Agus Hariyanto M. Kes. In his remarks conveyed that to realize Tracer Study and career center needed strong synergy from all elements of the campus. Agus also said that Tracer Study was an important indicator in fixing changes in universities as an improvement in services. Therefore with this activity Agus hopes that all staff present can capture the knowledge provided in this socialization so that each faculty can socialize it to its staff in order to implement the instruments that will be developed by the university.
& ldquo; Tracer Study is very important to improve the quality of service quality in the university so let us synergize to make the right instrument in its implementation. Whereas the Career Center can be used as a benchmark for the success of tertiary institutions in producing graduates who are accepted into the world of work. So Unesa will be more serious in the implementation of the Career Center & rdquo; he said.
After delivering his remarks at the same time opening the socialization event the event continued with a presentation by Dr. Eng Bambang S. Budi as President of the Indonesia Career Center Network and Director of ITB Career Center.
In line with the statement of the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Alumni Bambang added that the Trecer Study was an alumni survey of graduates holding higher education from a survey The alumni provided by the results of their analysis are used to improve the quality of higher education.
In addition Bambang said that the Trecer Study is also able to provide various information that is beneficial to the interests of evaluating the results of higher education and contributing to the implementation of accreditation. (why/tni)
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