Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-LPPM UNESA held a Socialization of Research Guidelines and PKM Funds for 2022 DRTPM and Proposal Proposals through SIMLITABMAS on Tuesday, January 4, 2022. The activity was held online and broadcast live on UNESA's Official Youtube, presenting three speakers; Prof. Dr. Okid Parama A., M.S. from Eleven Maret University; Dr. Saryono, M.Si. from the University of Riau; Dr. Kahar Muzakhar from the University of Jember.
Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., stated that although these activities are routinely held, there are important things that must be emphasized. Therefore, socialization through evaluation is still needed. With socialization, at least there are new things that can motivate in developing current and future innovations.
Research and community service are not only the domain of lecturers, but also educational staff. Now, there is a change in the functional direction, the staff is also required to do research and serve the community. "Therefore, the presence of Mr and Mrs (resources, ed) is important in developing innovation at UNESA," he said.
He added, UNESA has advantages in sports, arts and disabilities. These advantages are born from studies, innovations and achievements. It provides a competitive value for UNESA compared to other universities. These advantages must be supported in all aspects.
Sports, arts and disabilities are not only part of lecturers, students and staff in that field. However, human resources in other faculties can contribute their thoughts through innovation and research to be able to support them so that they can become towers of excellence for UNESA. “Later on, the advantages will not only be purely in their respective fields, but also in other fields of knowledge. These eras, including the curriculum, must lead to it," he explained.
Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Darni, M. Hum., said that this activity was the second socialization to welcome the 2022 proposal. The first activity was carried out in October 2021. He hopes that the patented proposals and works of lecturers and students will be able to contribute and increase the number of research grants obtained for institutions to support performance and community service.
The activity was attended by around 209 participants who were attended by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs UNESA Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., and the Head of the Institute for Research and Community Service, Prof. Dr. Darni, M. Hum and their staff. [UNESA PR]
Author : Angel
Editor: @zam*
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