Sengkuni 6 2024 is open to the public for the next four days or until Sunday, November 17 2024.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Various works of fine art are displayed on each side of the rooms and corridors of Building T3, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), Surabaya State University (UNESA) Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya, on Thursday, November 14 2024. Works by local artists and foreign countries are displayed in Sengkuni 6 International Art Exhibition.
Sengkuni (A Series of Artwork Expressions) is an international exhibition of works of art which, in its sixth year, is being held by the Fine Arts Study Program (fine) and the UNESA Fine Arts Education Study Program. The exhibition is open to the public until Sunday, November 17 2024.
“This year we are carrying the theme Transition, which displays 165 works by local and foreign artists. "Participants are from Germany, the Philippines, Canada, Mexico and Switzerland," said Engga Mahendra, chairman of the committee.
He added that the theme means a transition or change in timeline. This means that the works of art displayed represents the process of change, transition or leap over a certain period of time.
"Hopefully this activity will become a forum for meetings between artists' works and the public who love art. "It is also hoped that it can motivate students and young artists to continue working," he said.
The Dean of FBS, Syafi'ul Anam said, this exhibition consistently shows commitment in preparing a place for creativity for students and artists, so that their works can be 'enjoyed' by the community and the general public.
"Thank you to the committee and study program friends who have made this activity more widely known and successful every year. This is extraordinary, especially since there are works by participants from six countries. "Cool!" he said.
This activity was opened by the Deputy Chancellor IV for Planning, Development, Cooperation and Information and Communication Technology, Martadi. He appreciated that this activity from year to year continues to show its best version, both from the aspect of organization and work.
For him, this exhibition is a space for the community to work and show their existence. For lecturers, this can be a means to show the results of the learning process carried out. Apart from that, it can also be a space branding and existence for institutions in the context of ranking.
"My suggestion is that the work on display be copyrighted. I have chat with the Dean of FBS. Later I will help communicate with the copyright team on campus. "This will be a trace of your portfolio as artists in the future," he said.
This event, added Martadi, is a manifestation of the identity and ability of the UNESA community and young artists to become professionals who are creative, innovative and ready to contribute to society, nation and state through their work art.
This activity received a positive response from visitors who were not only internal to UNESA, but also students and students from other campuses. According to them, this exhibition was important to broaden their knowledge and provide motivation to continue working and innovate.
Safira Nisa Putri, Master of Arts and Culture student at UNESA, said that Sengkuni 6 has succeeded in showing the theme of transition, which can be interpreted as a change or leap.
"There are many works and It's really cool, so you can transform the T3 building into something different. "When I came here, it was like I had entered another world, or a completely new world of fine arts," he said.[*]
Reporter: Nisrina Hikaru Putri Roshad (FIP), and Ajwa Elizia Alwi (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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