Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – The rector, along with the vice rectors and lecturers of the State University of Surabaya made a working visit to Madiun on Tuesday (17/11). With a number of strict health protocols in place, the Mayor of Madiun, Drs. H. Maidi S.H., M.M., M.Pd warmly welcomed the group and hold a meeting to implement innovative improvements to the quality of human resources in Madiun.
This forum is also a means of reunion between Unesa and its alumnus, Maidi. After collaboration in laptop procurement, the current discussed collaboration is optimized as part of city development. This meeting also discussed other collaboration potentials to be designed and implemented.
"To realize higher education institution that plays an important role in enhancing the quality of human resources, Unesa—that has ranked in the top 19 among 4000 universities in Indonesia—is ready to help improve human resources competencies so that Madiun will be better," said Unesa Rector, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes.
He added that this is also in line with Unesa's tagline, “One Step Ahead”, so Unesa is committed to moving quickly to realize collaboration and creativity to make various innovations in order to win the competition in the era of the industrial revolution.
"We would like to thank Unesa for making online school activities run smoothly. In the future, I hope that with this collaboration, the progress of Madiun City will be even faster and more progressive," said Maidi.
He added that the current changes are getting faster every second. Therefore, cooperation between a district and a campus is important. Given that academics in higher education are reliable researchers to analyze various phenomena in various fields of public life. "Cooperation with the campus will provide insight into the concepts that must be needed in accordance with the needs of the society," he said.
Furthermore, Unesa and the Madiun City Government will compile a grand design of education. Equipped with fairly high Human Development Index, which ranks number three in East Java, a number of research studies will begin to be carried out as a basis for making policies which will receive additional suggestions from Unesa and others so that the policies that are set and implemented will be perfect. (Git)
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