Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) is trusted to host the XI 2024 Indonesian National Education Convention (Konaspi). This is based on a joint decision of all higher education leaders from 12 Educational Institutions and Education Personnel ( LPTK) at Konaspi X at Manado State University (Unima) in 2022.
UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., explained that the implementation of Konaspi
The objectives of Konaspi (2) Agree on strategic points for LPTK development that is contributive to national development. (3) Discussing the opportunities and challenges of changes in education in the digital era that need to be addressed by LPTK.
Then, (4) discussing changes to the National Education System Law. (5) Discussing policies and implementation of independent learning, especially at LPTK. (6) Discusses the revitalization of LPTK which includes institutions, governance of PTN-BH LPTK, quality standardization, curriculum, inclusive education, and others. (7) Discussing teacher transformation in the 21st century: PPG, teacher distribution, teacher development, teacher standardization in ASEAN, etc.
“Later there will be 5 sub-themes discussed and the convention includes; "industrial era education 4.0, national education systems and policies, policies and implementation of freedom of learning, revitalization of LPTK, and inclusive education-teacher transformation in Indonesia," said Cak Hasan.
In order to welcome the national convention, various The agenda included Prakonaspi , Plt. Director General of Higher Education, Research and Educational Technology, Ministry of Education and Culture, Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC., Ph.D., who conveyed several important directions regarding the role of LPTK in realizing golden Indonesian human resources in 2045.
As the host of Prakonaspi, the Chancellor of UNNES, Prof. Dr. S. Martono, M.Sc., hopes that Pre-Konaspi and Konaspi XI will become a forum for strengthening and revitalizing LPTK in Indonesia. For him, Prakonaspi us," said the Rembang-born professor.
In the pre-convention, the Chancellor of UNESA through the Deputy Chancellor for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Si., said that all UNESA leadership expressed their thanks and appreciation to the UNNES leadership as the host of the pre-convention and other universities who participated in this activity.

“We thank you very much "To the Chancellor of UNNES and his staff who have facilitated Prakonaspi activities who have gone all out preparing this event, so that the activities run smoothly, lively and extraordinary with the presence of LPTK leaders," said Prof. Madlazim who was present with the Chancellor, deputy staff. chancellor, dean and director of the UNESA environment.
He continued, all the leaders of the 12 LPTK members of the association were present in full accompanied by the provision of Semarangan uniforms by UNNES to all leaders starting from several deans, all vice chancellors to all chancellors also present. Apart from that, the wives of the chancellors and the wives of the vice chancellors from the 12 LPTKs also attended as a form of joint support.
The Pre-Konaspi activities received an extraordinary response from the entire academic community including the wives of the leaders of the 12 LPTKs. and united to prepare and support the implementation of Konaspi ), Semarang State University (UNNES), Malang State University (UM).
Furthermore, Gorontalo State University (UNG), Jakarta State University (UNJ), Ganesha Education University (Undiksha), Medan State University ( Unimed), Makassar State University (UNM), Manado State University (Unima), and Padang State University (UNP). []
Reporter: Saputra
Source: Processed from various sources and UNESA delegation documentation
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Documentation of the UNESA Prakonaspi XI 2024 delegation
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