Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) is hosting the Indonesia-France Joint Working Group (JWG) XIII 2024. This program and forum for cooperation in the field of education between the Indonesian and French Governments will be held at GRAHA UNESA Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya, on Tuesday-Thursday, 02-04 July 2024.
As host, UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., explained that this program and forum is a form of strategic cooperation in the field of education between the Indonesian government through the Ministry of Education and Culture and the French government through the Ministry of National Education and Youth.
"This forum brings together officials, experts , higher education institutions, and related key actors in the fields of higher education, research and innovation between the two countries. The aim is to monitor, evaluate and explore further cooperation," said the chancellor who is familiarly called Cak Hasan.
JWG was first held in Bali in 2009. Initially this cooperation forum was held once a year. However, at the 12th JWG at the University Polytechnic Hauts-De-France, France in 2022, it was agreed that the JWG would be held every two years. On that occasion it was also decided that the 13th JWG would be held at UNESA.
"When the JWG was in France at that time (2022), the UNESA delegation was present as an active participant. When appointed as host, UNESA expressed its readiness and "commitment to make JWG 2024 a success. This is certainly an honor for UNESA and we have prepared the best to make this activity a success," added Cak Hasan.
Strengthen Research and Innovation
UNESA Deputy Chancellor IV for Planning, Development, Cooperation and Information and Communication Technology, Dr. Martadi, M.Sn., added, the 13th JWG carries the theme "Fostering Indonesia-French Higher Education, Research, and Innovation Partnership for Advanced and Sustainable Future".
This activity has significance for universities This includes strengthening international cooperation as well as an opportunity to share and learn best practices in the education sector between the two countries. Therefore, this time the JWG is packaged to encourage sharing activities regarding good practices in education management higher education and research related to strategic themes which are of important concern to the two countries.
"Around 30 French universities will be present, and around 48 Indonesian state and private universities will also be present. "There are around 350 experts, practitioners and stakeholders in the Indonesian and French education sectors who gathered, strengthened connections and shared good practices of cooperation at UNESA," he explained.
Discussion, Workshop and Cast
strong>JWG East Java. Second day (Wednesday, July 3 2024), opening ceremony at GRAHA UNESA Campus 2 Lidah Wetan Surabaya.
After the opening, a plenary session continued with officials and representatives of the two countries. conveyed various things about education and the reasons why it is important to strengthen cooperation through JWG. "Apart from the plenary session, there was also an educational exhibition showcasing a number of superior programs and innovations from the two countries," he explained.
The activity continued with the first parallel session discussion. about "Partnership in Higher Education" which was held in the UNESA Psychology Building Auditorium. After that, it was continued with a second parallel session which focused on "Partnership in Research".
On the third day (Thursday, July 4 2024), there was a thematic workshop consisting of several sessions. Next, there was a bilateral meeting between Indonesia and France. In the afternoon, a high-level meeting session continued which discussed higher education partnerships (Mobility, Academic, & Research Partnership), Scientific Research Partnership, and discussions on the implementation of the next JWG.
Closing ceremony held at GRAHA UNESA. A number of important guests who attended JWG XIII 2024 were Fabien Penone French Ambassador to Indonesia; Ir. Suharti, M.A., Ph.D, Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture; Prof. Dr. rer. Nat. Abdul Haris, M.Sc. Director General of Higher Education and Technology; Prof. Dr. Ir. Amarulla Octavian, M.Sc., DESD., ASEAN. Eng, Deputy Chair of BRIN.
Furthermore, Manuel Bouard, Deputy Director for European and International Affairs, MESR; Dr. Ir. Kiki Yulianti, M.Sc, Director General of Vocational Education; Prof. Dr. Agus Haryono, M.Sc, Deputy for Research and Innovation at BRIN; Oliver Chiche-Portiche Director in Charge of Geographical Coordination, Campus France, and many more.[]
Further information,
Director Public Relations and Public Information of Surabaya State University
Vinda Maya Setianingrum, S.Sos., M.A., (WA-081235620276)
Email: redaksi.humas@unesa.ac.id
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