Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - Learning media plays an important role in the success of the teaching and learning process in schools. Therefore, a team of lecturers from the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature (JBSI) at the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held training on making green learning media (green media) for Indonesian language teachers at MTsN 3 Ngawi, last May 2022.
JBSI lecturer, Yermia Nugroho Agung Wibowo, M.Pd., said that green media is media that is made and produced from used goods for learning needs. “The obstacle for teachers in schools, especially in that area, is in the learning media. To encourage the creativity of teachers and the effectiveness of learning, we train these fellow teachers to make their own media from materials found in the surrounding environment," said the head of the community service team.
The concept of green media is recycling or reprocessing used goods into media that can be used for learning and learning activities at school. The goal is one side to minimize used goods so as not to have too much impact on the environment and on the other hand to increase the effectiveness of learning in schools.
The training is carried out in stages. Starting from the stage of delivering the material to the stage of practice and mentoring. At the material stage, activities consist of delivering concepts, benefits, characteristics, to analysis of the needs of Indonesian language learning media. In addition, there is also material on how to make media from used goods.
“To make it easier for teachers, we also provide green media modeling that can be made. We show you how to make it from scratch until the media is used in learning," said Rahmi Rahmayati, a JBSI lecturer who was involved in the activity.
After the teachers understand the concept. The training then entered the stage of hands-on practice of making media using pre-prepared used goods. The target of the practice is that teachers make learning media according to their respective needs. Later, the media produced can be directly used when they teach.
Dr. Dianita Indrawati, M. Hum., explained that one of the outputs of the activity was in the form of green learning media made by the teacher. In addition, these teachers will continue to receive assistance in developing green media in the future. “Our hope is that MTsN 3 Ngawi teachers will not only create one media, but can produce various media innovations for the learning needs of their school. That's why we provide assistance on a regular basis," he explained.
He added, great appreciation for the participation and enthusiasm of the participants in the activity. He expressed his infinite gratitude to the school, teachers and principals and LPPM UNESA. The lecturers involved in these activities are Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M. Pd; Yermia Nugroho Agung Wibowo, M.Pd; Dr. Syamsul Shodiq, M.Pd; Dr. Dianita Indrawati, M. Hum, and Rahmi Rahmayati, M.Pd.
Author : Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: PKM team documentation
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