Unesa.ac.id, JOMBANG — Regional arts are increasingly deserted by fans. The involvement of young people in art activities is slowly getting less and less. Therefore, stretching the arts needs to be encouraged. Young people must be involved, one of which is through the Performing Arts Festival as was done by a number of students from the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) at the Panglungan Village Hall, Jombang towards the end of last June.
The activity, entitled Lively Performing Arts as a Form of Local Wisdom, they performed 7 local arts, including the ludruk play, rampak dance, remo dance, campursari, koplo band, drumband, and Kuda Lumping. The series of arts involved the ranks of the Panglungan Village community ranging from children, youth youth organizations, the lumping horse group, and even the village head who also took part as one of the players in the ludruk play.
Rediyanto Putra, S.E., M.S.A., as the student field supervisor (DPL) said that such activities must continue to be carried out so that the existence of regional arts can be maintained from time to time. "Efforts to preserve regional arts can be realized through the provision of art performances or activities oriented to cultural preservation such as exhibitions and so on. On the other hand, full support from the community, especially the younger generation, is also very much needed," he said.

Sugiat, the head of Panglungan Village, appreciated the event and said that, “This activity really opens people's horizons in preserving village arts. Moreover, the arts in this village are very numerous and require the next generation. With this kind of event, hopefully it can spark interest from young people in promoting the arts. Moreover, innovations in the arts are also always awaited so that they can always be relevant to the times."
The activity began with the vacuum of art groups, especially musical groups in Impact Hamlet, Panglungan Village. That's because there is no trainer and training module. UNESA students then took the initiative to hold karawitan exercises to invite local children and youth to learn and practice karawitan every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday.
“The main purpose of holding regular musical exercises in Impact Hamlet is none other than to revive the existence of culture, especially local arts. Then prepare the generation to understand and be able to play gamelan. Moreover, many children are interested in learning gamelan. This is good and we are trying to facilitate it through training and art performances,” said Adhang Permana, Head of Group 5, KKN-T UNESA in Jombang and who led the program.
In addition to performing arts and musical training, UNESA students also realize many programs that are oriented to the cultural sector and receive full support from the community. Other programs referred to are the making of signs in Javanese script, dance training, drumband training, Javanese language classes, and learning the macapat song.
Of course, this program is the first step in realizing the development of a sustainable cultural sector. “We need to increase the involvement of young people in cultural or artistic activities or events. This is important so that culture can be maintained and passed on from generation to generation,” said Adhang.
For information, this activity is a collaboration between UNESA students who run KKN-T in the Jombang area. There are three KKN groups involved; groups of Jombang-5, Jombang-6, and Jombang-7. [UNESA PR]
Author: Ahmad Rizky Wahyudi
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: KKNT team documentation
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