Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-There are many ways that the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) can take towards a world-class campus. One of them can be by utilizing its alumni who work or have a career in other state institutions or institutions.
This was conveyed by Bagus Muljadi, Coordinator of the UK-Indonesia Consortium for Interdisciplinary Sciences (UKICIS) after the webinar 'Partnership Beyond the Nation to Support World Class University' on the 11th Floor, Lidah Wetan Campus Rectorate Building, Surabaya on Monday (06/06/2022).
“UNESA has several alumni who have careers outside, such as Doctor Melani, Postdoctoral Society in Nottingham, UK. This can be used to empower to bring best practice from the UK to UNESA,” said the man who is also an Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham, UK.
The goal is not only for Indonesia and UNESA to learn from the UK and Nottingham, but also the UK to learn from Indonesia and UNESA. Indonesia and even UNESA have something to offer internationally.
In addition to the alumni approach, UNESA also needs to strengthen and enhance international cooperation. This collaboration provides many benefits. Among them, best practices from experts and the best campuses in the world can be emulated at UNESA.
Then it can speed up knowledge exchange and the resulting paper can join international papers. "These are all important parts of the parameters of a world class university (WCU)," he said.
It is this international cooperation, said Bagus, that UKICIS is trying to encourage and bridge between campuses in Indonesia and those in England.
According to him, Indonesian human resources abroad or the academic diaspora working in Europe, UK, Australia, Japan and other countries are catalysts towards international standard campuses. Because they know exactly what is needed from their home campus and understand very well the university or institution where they work and have a career. In addition, the academic diaspora can also bypass the bureaucracy.
"UKICIS can facilitate universities such as UNESA to cooperate with universities that are world class," said Bagus, the ITB alumnus.
“We want one step forward, so that UKICIS includes as many universities in Indonesia as possible. Not exclusive to campuses that rank in the top 10, let alone those only on the island of Java. But all campuses. That's what we're trying to do," he said.
Simply put, UKICIS is trying to avoid barriers between universities in Indonesia and other countries. Between Nottingham and UNESA, UGM and ITB can become one giant body. Whatever is the culture of a university can be felt by other universities. This is not only related to teaching and research, but also extracurricular aspects.
"If the UKICIS ecosystem is ready, big sport events at the University of Nottingham can be extended to Indonesian universities, one of which is UNESA," he concluded.
Prof. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., said that internationalization is part of UNESA's concentration in recent years. Collaboration is an essential factor in improving the quality of the campus.
UNESA is committed to building collaborations with many campuses for academic activities such as courses and education programs, student exchanges and faculty mobility for studies and research, join conferences and publications to faculty development programs.
UNESA is also committed to increasing the rank of campuses both nationally and internationally. Currently, UNESA is ranked in the 20 best campuses in the country and 19 study programs are internationally accredited; AQAS and ASIIN.
"We hope that in the next three years, UNESA is known as the best teaching or educational campus in Indonesia and can establish many collaborations with other institutions in the world," he hoped. [UNESA PR]
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