Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA "> Surabaya State University (Unesa) intensified the socialization to bring access to information on admission of new students to the regions. The latest, the campus of the 'home of the champions' socialization at SMA Negeri 1 Kota Kediri, on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.
This activity was attended by dozens of teachers and students from various schools throughout Raya. On that occasion, Head of Sub Directorate of New Student Admissions or Admissions Unesa , Sukarmin explained various pathways for new student admissions in 2025, including various differences from the year Previously, and the provisions that need to be considered.
"Referring to our data, many Unesa registrants both on the SNBP and SNBT paths originating from Kediri. There are hundreds of participants from Kediri who were received at Unesa, the most from SMAN 2 Kediri, then from SMAN 1 Pare, MAN 1 Kediri, and SMAN 1 Kediri, "he said.
This socialization was welcomed by the government ranks Local area, Head of the Kediri Regional Education Office Branch, Adi Prayitno said that this activity was important for students and schools in Kediri to understand the new student admission scheme, including knowing the provisions to be accepted at tertiary institutions, one of which was at UNESA.
< P> "I hope that students or participants take study programs according to their abilities and desires. Therefore, take advantage of this socialization to recognize the study program to be taken, including the lecture system to the prospect of his career later, "he said.In addition to the admission of UNESA, this socialization also involves a team consisting of Head of Public Relations (Humas), Gilang Gusti Aji, conveyed about Selayang Pandang Unesa; Deputy Dean 1 of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Moch. Khoirul Anwar, explained about the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), as well as the S-1 Nursing Coorprodi, Ns. Wiwin Sulistyawati, related to the Faculty of Medicine (FK).
Lamongan, Tuban, Bojonegoro
Teachers and school students in Lamongan, Tuban, and Bojonegoro. " src = "/images/foto-13-02-2025-02-16-29-6252.png" style = "height: 533px; width: 800px"/>
Previously, The UNESA team also introduced the 2025 revenue scheme in various regions, one of which was in Lamongan. The socialization scheme on Soto Bumi is based on integration which took place at SMK Negeri 2 Lamongan on Thursday, February 6, 2025.
The socialization in Lamongan was warmly welcomed by the ranks of officials; Head of the Lamongan Regency Education Office Branch, Mustakim; Head of SMK Negeri 2 Lamongan, Roni Zuzun Nasution. It was also attended by school leaders or representatives from Lamongan, Tuban and Bojonegoro. ) Lamongan Regency and its surroundings.
Head of the Lamongan Regency Education Office Branch, Mustakim emphasized the importance of career planning for students to be able to choose the education path in accordance with their interests and talents.
" through socialization This, we hope that students get accurate information about various higher education opportunities, especially in Unesa, "he said.
The socialization in Lamongan was carried out by the UNESA team consisting of; Dean of the Faculty of Education (FIP), Mochamad Nursalim; Deputy Dean I of the Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS), Didik Nurhadi; Head of Sub Directorate of Reception and Graduation of Students or Admissions, Sukarmin; Director of Branding, Marketing, and Media, Herma Retno Prabayanti; and Head of Public Relations Section, Gilang Gusti Aji. [*]
Reporter: Prismacintya (FBS), and Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud (FBS)
Editor: @zam*< /P>
Photo: UNESA Public Relations Team
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