Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held a socialization of 'Implementation of Perkemendikbudristek No. 30 of 2021 concerning Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher Education' online on Friday, February 4, 2022. The event which was attended by the lecturers was opened by the Vice Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance, Suprapto, S.Pd., M.T.
In his remarks, Suprapto said that the Permendikbudristek was present with enthusiasm and rules that would enable campuses to move quickly both in preventing and dealing with cases of sexual violence (KS) in universities.
“The presence of this Permendikbudristek must be followed by the awareness of each of us. Hopefully we can continue to improve the quality of ourselves to be better, have character and be able to carry out our duties as well as possible and maintain the good name of our families and institutions," he hoped.
The Head of the UNESA Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling Task Force (PPKS), Dr. Mutimmatul Faidah, S.Ag., M.Ag., opened the socialization with an explanation about the PPKS Task Force. He explained that the Task Force was formed because, a) the commitment to oversee KS issues through the important role of the Center for Gender and Child Studies, b) the issuance of Permendikbudristek No. 30 of 2021 concerning PPKS, c) a meeting for the formation of the PPKS Task Force and the issuance of a decree.
The objectives of establishing the Task Force are; first, guarding and taking preventive measures and handling KS related to the implementation of the Tridarma on or off campus. Second, fostering a humane, dignified, equal, inclusive, collaborative and non-violent campus life among students, educators, education staff and campus residents.
The task force division structure consists of three divisions. There is the Division of Advocacy and Law, the Division of Intervention and Prevention and the division of the Center for Gender and Child Studies. In carrying out its duties, the PPKS Task Force has the authority; 1) summon and ask for information from victims, witnesses, reported parties, companions and or experts. 2) ask for assistance from UNESA leaders to present witnesses, reported parties, assistants, and or experts in the examination. 3) conduct consultations regarding the handling of KS with related parties taking into account the security and comfort conditions of the victim. 4) Cooperating with universities related to KS that involve victims, witnesses, reported from the PT concerned.
He continued, the possibility of KS cases on campus could occur between lecturers and students, lecturers and staff, lecturers and lecturers, students and fellow students, students and students and fellow students. Then the possibility of the occurrence of KS is inside and outside the campus. It can happen at KKN locations, internship locations, boarding houses or rented houses, and it can happen in a virtual environment.
In order to realize a zero KS campus, the Task Force is committed to carrying out prevention and treatment with various approaches and methods and according to procedures. “Realizing a campus that is zero sexual violence is basically our duty and shared awareness. With this Task Force, we are more aggressive and enthusiastic in realizing a zero KS campus, "he said.
Meanwhile, Hananto Widodo, SH., MH., from the Advocacy and Legal Division, UNESA PPKS Task Force who revealed the legal politics of Perkemendikbudristekdikti No. 30 of 2021 that there will be a new regulation related to the issue of sexual violence regarding regulations from the government because there has been no ratification of the Draft Law on the Crime of Sexual Violence.
According to him, the current form of sexual violence law is only public participation. However, UNESA strongly supports and appreciates the presence of the Perkemendikbudristek. The issuance of this regulation is a progressive step for handling cases of sexual violence, especially on campus. That is of course based both qualitatively and quantitatively. [UNESA PR]
Author: Nabilla H.A.C
Editor: @zam*
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