Unesa.ac.id, Bojonegoro - Surabaya State University through the Directorate of Public Relations and Public Information provides higher education outreach to high school students throughout Bojonegero at the hall of SMAN 3 Bojonegoro, on Saturday 3 February 2024 .
The socialization and promotion event is a series of tryout and workshop activities organized by the Bojonegoro Student Communication Forum (FKMB) Surabaya State University (UNESA).
Before explaining about UNESA, Mubasyir Aidi, S.Pd, who represented the Directorate of Public Relations and Public Information, gave encouragement to motivate students' learning. He said that motivation to learn must always be generated within oneself. "Learning or seeking knowledge starts from the cradle to the grave," he said, quoting an Arabic maqolah.
Furthermore, the man born in Lamongan emphasized that there is a noble position for people who have knowledge. People who have knowledge, he said, will get high degrees. "..Allah will elevate those who believe among you and those who are given knowledge by several degrees," he said.
In front of the 250 high school students, the man who is familiarly called Basyir invites students not to hesitate to make Unesa an option to continue to college. Not without reason, because Unesa is proven to have superior accreditation, is supported by professional lecturers, and has various extraordinary facilities and infrastructure. "Unesa has 773 lecturers with master's degrees, 444 doctorates and 111 professors," he said.
Apart from that, various study program options are also provided by the campus which is one step ahead. Unesa consists of 68 undergraduate study programs, 10 vocational study programs, 24 master's programs, and 11 doctoral programs spread across 9 faculties and 1 graduate school. "Most of the study programs have received superior accreditation and have even been internationally accredited," he explained.
At the end of the presentation, Basyir again gave an injection of encouragement to the students to study diligently so they could enter the study program at Unesa of their choice. and passion to achieve your dreams.
Chairman of the Unesa Bojonegero Student Communication Forum (FKMB), Sofyan Khofid Ardhani said that this activity aims to ignite students' power to continue their education at higher education. "Many areas still have minimal access to higher education, especially in the western part of Bojonegero," said the Geography Education undergraduate study program student.
He hopes that through this injection of motivation and socialization, Bojonegoro students will be more enthusiastic about increase competitiveness in achieving desired state universities, especially at Unesa. "Hopefully many students in Bojonegoro will be accepted at state universities, especially at Unesa," he continued.
Meanwhile, one of the tryout and workshop participants, Ibrahim Muhammad Aziz Salam, admitted that he was interested in this activity. The Muhammadiyah 1 Babat Lamongan High School student became more knowledgeable about Unesa, study programs and graduate prospects. The student, who is familiarly called Ibrahim, is even very interested in being able to enter the Unesa Faculty of Sports and Health. �I have loved sports since childhood. Have a portfolio. "Hopefully we will be accepted into Sports Education," he hoped. @sir
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