(Unesa) prepares 110 undergraduate study programs (S-1), and Applied Bachelor (D-4) which can be selected in the Computer-Based Written Test (UTBK) National Selection Path based on the Test (SNBT) this year. The UTBK-SNBT registration has been opened from 11-27 March 2025.
A number of study programs are spread in twelve (12) faculties, plus PSDKU or UNESA Campus 5 Magetan. The list of Faculty of Unesa with the number of products to be selected in the UTBK-SNBT 2025 pathway as follows:
Faculty of Education (FIP) has 7 study programs. (Fbs) has 15 study programs. Study Program. Faculty of Engineering (FT) has 14 study programs. href = "// fe.unesa.ac.id/"> Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) has 9 study programs. (Fk) has 4 study programs. href = "// fkp.unesa.ac.id/"> Faculty of Food Security (FKP) has 4 study programs. Accredited A, superior and international. Of that number, there are about 23 study programs who have just participated in SNBT-UTBK this year, "said Sukarmin, Kasubdit Admission and Graduation of Unesa Students on Monday, March 17, 2025. (FISIPOL),
S-1 Political Science (FISIPOL), S-1 Physiotherapy (FK), S-1 Midwifery (FK), s-1 nursing (FK). (FMIPA), S-1 Regional and City Planning (FT), s-1 Tourism (FT), D-4 Automotive Engineering Technology (FV), D-4 Sports Performance Analysis (FV), Magetan), S-1 Educational Technology (Unesa 5 Magetan); S-1 Counseling Guidance (Unesa 5 Magetan), S-1 Sports Coaching Education (Unesa 5 Magetan), s-1 Indonesian Language and Literature Education (Unesa 5 Magetan), s-s-s-1 S-1 Film and Animation (FBS), S-1 Digital Agribusiness (FKP), S-1 aquaculture (FKP), s-1 animal bioscience (FKP), s-1 food technology (FKP). Participants to choose a study program that suits the interests, talents, and future career plans. In order to compete, it is highly recommended that participants can identify their abilities and adjust to the level of competition in the selected study program. Unesa , "he explained. [UNESA Public Relations Team]