- SURABAYA STATE UNIVERSITY (UNESA) through the Directorate ) Rectorate of Unesa, Campus 2 Tongue Wetan, Surabaya on Tuesday-Ribu, 11--12 February 2025.
This activity aims to improve financial management in the environment UNESA In line with its status as a Legal State Higher Education (PTN-BH).
In his remarks, Deputy Rector II for Law, Management, Finance, Resources, Business, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, emphasized that UNESA's financial policy as a PTN-BH focuses on budget efficiency and effectiveness.
"Efficiency is not just savings, but rather directs the management of the budget to things that are priority. While the effectiveness ensures that every rupiah used has a real impact on the quality of education, "he said.
In addition, he explained the importance of the mechanism of system adjustment in Unesa, including optimizing assets as an effort to increase competitiveness and sustainability of the institution. /P>
"With better financial management, UNESA can be more focused in improving the quality of education, research and community service," explained Professor Faculty Educational Sciences (FIP) . is one way to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the budget that has an impact on the progress of the institution; src = "/images/foto-13-02-2025-03-16-53-5036.png" style = "height: 532px; width: 800px"/>
In the main session of the workshop, Agung Yuniarto from the Ministry of Finance Education and Training Agency (BPPK) of the Indonesian Ministry of Finance as resource persons, explained the concept of planning, budgeting, and budget implementation as the three main aspects in the management of state finances.
He stressed that universities need to compile a budget Not only has a positive impact, but also transparency and accountability. Every allocation of funds must be in harmony with the priority needs of the institution.
"The budget is not just an administrative document, but a strategic instrument in achieving institutional goals. Therefore, the management must be based on data, and the allocation is beneficial to the community, "he explained.
He added, to evaluate performance indicators, a survey is needed that can measure the effectiveness of the use of the budget and the satisfaction of stakeholders.
< P> "Survey becomes an important instrument in assessing whether the budget that has been issued is in accordance with the needs or needs to be adjusted. With that, we can ensure that the budget really provides optimal benefits, "he explained.This event was attended by Director, Dean, and Deputy Dean of Section II Serangkung Unesa, together with the Financial Management Team from various work units in Unesa .
The presence of these policy makers shows a strong commitment in increasing governance that is more transparent, accountable, and in accordance with the principles of efficiency and effectiveness. [*]
Reporter: Mochammad Ja'far Sodiq (FIP)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA Public Relations Team
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