Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The State University of Surabaya presented a special gift in the peak event of its 57th Anniversary which was held at Graha UNESA, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya on Tuesday, December 21, 2021. UNESA registered its name at the Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI) as the campus that signed the MoU on cooperation the most with 837 SMK in East Java.
UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M. Kes stated that this cooperation could improve the quality of MBKM implementation and UNESA's contribution to the region. While on the other hand to develop the quality of Independent Learning in Vocational Schools in encouraging regional development in East Java. "We try to push SMK together to improve quality, we have vocational education and we try to make the quality of SMK graduates truly industrial standards and can be absorbed in the world of work," he said.
The man who is usually called Cak Hasan added that the plan is for the MoU to be implemented in early 2022. He hopes that, in the future, SMK graduates will not only be able to be absorbed in the world of work and industry, but with the skills and competencies acquired at school they will also be able to open up new fields. profession.
Vocational Collaboration with East Java
Meanwhile, the Governor of East Java, Dra. Hj. Khofifah Indar Parawansa, M.Sc., stated that seeing the existing developments, UNESA is ready to become PTNBH and will be the starting point in building the acceleration of independence in various lines. He appreciated UNESA's efforts to build collaborations with various parties, including the East Java Provincial Education Office and 837 Vocational High Schools throughout East Java. Vocational Schools under the coordination of East Java, he continued, would receive guidance from UNESA which has 10 vocational study programs.
This collaboration is in line with the East Java program which makes vocational education a regional priority. Campuses like MIT and Harvard have also begun to shift and make competence a part that is taken into account.
Therefore, this collaboration is important for the provincial government because internships and independent learning require a wider space for vocational school students to improve their quality and competence. "Hopefully this will be a step to accelerate the strengthening of skills possessed by vocational school children who are under the coordination of the East Java provincial government," he hoped.
He added, for double track high school, the provincial government was guided by ITS and now SMK with UNESA. He hopes that there will be an acceleration of strengthening and independence, especially in mastering specific skills for Vocational Schools in East Java.
“Earlier I also thanked the Rector and Vice Rector that there was a need for vocational education in Tuban and Magetan. We are currently preparing the one in Magetan and it turns out that Tuban also needs it. In the next four years, God willing, Rosneft will also be able to operate. So vocational education is a very urgent education for the Tuban area," he explained.
At this peak momentum, UNESA also expanded its cooperation by signing MoUs with several domestic and foreign institutions. The institutions in question are; 1) Samar State University, 2) The Polytechnic University Of The Philippines, 3) PT. IDP Consulting Indonesia, 4) Ksatria Airlanggan Floating Hospital or RSTKA, 5) RI Ombudsman, 6) PT. INKA, 7) PT. Quality Works, 8) PT. Pelindo, and 9) PT Hamaren Corporation.
Widya Wiyata Dharma Samya Award
As a commitment to improving the quality of education, UNESA awarded the Widya Wiyata Dharma Samya to figures and officials as well as parties or institutions that play an important role in developing and advancing education in Indonesia. Award recipients were given to 10 figures, namely, 1) Dr. (H.C.) Puan Maharani Nakshatra Kusyala Devi, S.Sos., Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives, 2) Dr. Ir. H. Isran Noor, M.Sc., Governor of East Kalimantan.
Then, 3) Alm. Prof. Dr. H. Budi Darma, MA, Writer and Former Chancellor of UNESA, 4) President Director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati, and 5) Leak Koestiya, Director of Jawa Pos Media, 6) KH Marzuqi Mustamar, M.Ag., Chair of the East Java PWNU, 7) Dr. . Drs. H. Marhaen Djumadi, S.E., S.H., M.M., M. BA. Acting Regent of Nganjuk, 8) Eri Cahyadi, S.T., M.T., Mayor of Surabaya, 9) H. Ahmad Muhdlor Ali, S.I.P., Regent of Sidoarjo, and 10) H. Fandi Akhmad Yani, S.E., Regent of Gresik.
Inaugurated 6 new Governors
UNESA also inaugurated six new professors in various scientific fields. The professors in question are, 1) Prof. Dr. Dra. Marniati, SE., MM. in the Field of Fashion Entrepreneurship Education. 2) Prof. Dr. Achmad Lutfi, M.Pd., in Chemistry Education. 3) Prof. Dr. Erina Rahmadyanti, S.T., M.T. in Environmental Sanitation Engineering, 4) Prof. Dr. M. Turhan Yani, S.Ag., MA., in the Field of Islamic Religious Education. 5) Prof. Dr. Hj. Rachma Hasibuan, M.Kes., in the Field of Early Childhood Education. 6) Prof. Dr. I Gusti Putu Asto Buditjahjanto, S.T., MT., in the Field of Computational Intelligence.
Cak Hasan hopes that giving awards to leaders can motivate and encourage collaboration across institutions and generations and fields in building and developing quality education in various regions, cities and regencies. "The quality of education is our shared responsibility. Through the new governor and the MoU, it is hoped that UNESA can contribute to developing regions for a more advanced Indonesia," he hoped. (UNESA PR)
Reporter: Public Relations Team (Hasna, Nadia, Ulum, Riska, Lukman, Nabila and Nisvi)
Editor: @zam*
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