Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–The State University of Surabaya held a Ngaji event with the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia with the theme 'From Unesa for Strong Indonesia, Indonesia Grows' on Friday 27 August 2021. The activity was in commemoration of the Islamic New Year 1 Muharram 1443 H and the 57th Anniversary of UNESA.
On that occasion, three resource persons were present online, namely the Deputy Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Drs. H. Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi, M.Sc., Caregiver of the Bumi Shalawat Islamic Islamic Boarding School, Sidoarjo KH. Agoes Ali Masyuri, Chairman of the East Java PWNU and Chairman of the Malang Islamic Boarding School Sabilurrosyad KH. Marzuki Mustamar, M.Ag.
The activity began with reading the holy verses of the Qur'an sung by Mohammad Agus Miftah, an FBS student. UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. H. Nurhasan, M.Kes., expressed his gratitude to the resource persons who have spent their time in the tausiah and istighosah. This activity is a means of asking for protection from Allah SWT so that the Indonesian people and nation can quickly recover from the Covid-19 pandemic.
"We as humans must continue to strive to the maximum and still rely on hope through prayer to Allah SWT," said the man who is usually called Cak Hasan.
The Deputy Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia said that the commemoration of the Islamic New Year was closely related to the big event of the migration of the Prophet Muhammad and his companions from Mecca to Medina. This incident was an important milestone in the struggle of the Prophet Muhammad's da'wah in spreading Islam.
"The Messenger of Allah came to broaden the world's perspective and at the same time change the paradigm of the Arab nation with a tribal pattern to the Islamic paradigm," he said. According to him, the success of da'wah at that time was because it was carried out by a special figure and the right approach, "he continued.
The celebration of the Islamic New Year should be used as a momentum for self-reflection or introspection in personal and social life. The existence of disasters such as the Covid-19 pandemic, for example, is a challenge as well as a test for the entire community and nation so that they can be even better in the future, both in the private and public spheres.
According to him, hijrah is not just a historical legend, but one of the principles in Islamic teachings that has strategic meaning for the continuity of the people's struggle. Hijrah teaches the spirit and dynamics of life that move throughout the ages. In the event of hijrah, strategies and examples are summarized to build a civilized nation, state and people community.
He appreciated the holding of the event. According to him, it is important to do this in the midst of this grieving nation. "Hopefully UNESA will be successful in producing educated scholars and human resources who have the commitment, ability and fighting power to serve the nation and state in accordance with their expertise and profession," he hoped.
The activity continued with istighosah led by KH. Marzuki Mustamar, M.Ag., and closed with a tausiah by KH. Agoes Ali Masyuri. In his Tausiah, the Kyai who is familiarly called Gus Ali said that human life is very short. Therefore, don't shorten it with trouble and fear anymore. "Know, health is in happiness. Learn to live happily by enjoying and being grateful for what we have, because health is in happiness," he said.
He invites all, especially UNESA residents to continue to practice two weapons in life; read a lot of istigfar and sholawat. Both are great forces to create a strong and growing Indonesia, spiritually strong and intellectually stable. Also able to realize a just Indonesia in prosperity and fair in prosperity or baldatun thoyyibatun wa robbul ghofur," said Gus Ali. (QQ)
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