Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-There was something different at the opening of the Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) UNESA 2021 which was held at Graha UNESA, on (23/08/2021). Where the ranks of high state officials ranging from the Vice President, MPR, DPR RI, Ministers, DPD RI, to regional leaders were present virtually simultaneously to welcome and motivate the 6,185 new students.
Participants of the 2021 UNESA PKKMB are new students (maba) from 34 provinces of Indonesia and especially there are 143 foreign students from various countries, such as the Philippines, Mongolia, Egypt, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Myanmar, South Korea, Japan , Australia, China, Sudan, Somalia, Timor Leste, Poland and Russia.
Nation's Hope Student
Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Prof. Dr. (HC) K.H. Ma'ruf Amin first welcomed the new students at UNESA. To be accepted into a university class UNESA is not easy, because you have to compete with hundreds of thousands of other participants. "You (students, ed) are an elite group in society, you are the champions where the nation has high hopes for the future of Indonesia," he said.
Currently, the government places the development of superior human resources as a national priority. Superior human resources are human resources who are healthy, intelligent, productive to bring benefits to the nation, able to compete, love the homeland, and have noble character. That is the key for Indonesia in winning global competition.
Generation of 'Local Identity Global Brain'
“Once again, welcome to join and develop yourself with UNESA, a proud campus. Be an agent of change with global capabilities and a 'local' identity as exemplified by the Third President of Indonesia B.J. Habibie, nicknamed the German brain, has the heart of Mecca," he said.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of the MPR RI, Bambang Soesatyo, S.E., M.B.A., has high hopes for new students who come from various regions throughout Indonesia and even foreign students from various countries. New students are part of the nation's important generation, especially as potential sources of innovation, with adequate technology capabilities that can support the performance of the government and the state. "Be a generation that has quality in academics, has Indonesian character and has a Pancasila heart," he said.
Student; Indonesia's Important Assets and Investments
In the conception of national development, students are an important asset, potential, and investment for the nation and state to move forward towards the advancement of world civilization. “In your hands, the face and image of Indonesia's future is determined. It is to you that we will entrust the fate and future of the Indonesian nation," he said.
Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Dr. (HC) Puan Maharani, S.Sos., welcomed the students with joy. Many say, the current generation of students is Generation Z which is in alphabetical order as the last generation. However, according to him, Gen Z is a new starting point for the journey of the Indonesian nation.
Gen Z Decesion Maker for Indonesia Jaya in 2045
"At the age of 100, or in 2045, the younger siblings who will be the decision makers, make important decisions that will shape Indonesia's future," he said. "Your generation is the best generation of the nation that can bring Indonesia more and more victorious at the world level," he hoped.
The key to Indonesia's success in 2045, said AA Lanyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, Chairman of the DPD RI, is to be determined from now on. Therefore, it is necessary to instill a sense of pride, as well as optimism in the chest. “You are the golden generation of Indonesia, the generation that looks to the future with enthusiasm, creativity and intelligence. Carry out the three obligations (Tridarma PT, ed) as well as possible, now the nation calls and needs you, young people who are able to contribute to the nation and state in the midst of global change and the new world," he said.
The Milestone of Indonesia's Mental Revolution
Messages and hopes also came from the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, M.A.P. He said campuses and students are part of the driving force of Indonesia's mental revolution. Mental revolution is a change that is fast and massive, includes ways of thinking, acting and acting and is oriented towards progress.
It includes the values of integrity, work ethic and mutual cooperation which are noble values of the nation's heritage and are the roots of the growth and development of Indonesian culture. In supporting the National Movement for Mental Revolution (GNRM), there are five focuses that need to be implemented, namely the Indonesia to serve movement, the clean Indonesia movement, the orderly Indonesian movement, the independent Indonesia movement and the united Indonesia movement. "This can be realized with the collaboration of all agents of change in all state institutions, including universities and the role of students as one of the keys," he hoped.
Entering UNESA Must Be a 'Special' Student
Unesa Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes on that occasion said that being a UNESA student should not be mediocre. However, it must be a special generation or youth; have a passion for self-development, give birth to creative and innovative ideas to provide the best for parents, alma mater, community and country and even the world.
"Dream as high as the sky, study as much as possible, MBKM UNESA facilitates, and let's contribute to the homeland," the chancellor encouraged. "This form of contribution can be through innovation or being involved in educational movements to change people's behavior so that this nation is quickly free from the Covid-19 pandemic," he continued.
The Same Message and Hope from the Minister to the Regent
In this greeting Indonesia program, the coordinating ministers of Indonesia also conveyed their messages and hopes, such as Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment General TNI (HOR) (Ret.) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, M.P.A., Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Prof. Mahfud M.D, S.H., S.U., M.I.P., Coordinating Minister for the Economy Dr. (H.C). Ir. Airlangga Hartanto, M.B.A., M.M.T., IPU.
From the ranks of the ministers were also present Menpora Dr. H. Zainudin Amali, S.E., M.Sc., Minister of Villages PDTT Dr. (HC). Drs. H. Abdul Halim Iskandar, M.Pd., Minister of Manpower Dr. Dra. Hj. Ida Fauziyah, M.Sc., and Menparekraf Dr. H. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, B.B.A., M.B.A.
A similar motivation for new students also came from the Deputy Chairperson of the MPR RI, Dr. H. Jazilul Fawaid, S.Q., M.A and Dr. Ahmad Basarah, M.H., Army Chief of Staff represented by the Coordinator of Expert Staff Lieutenant General TNI R. Wisnoe Prasetja Boedi., and Head of BNPT Komjen. Pol. Dr. Boy Rafli Amar, M.H.,
Then there is also the Governor of East Java, Dra. Hj. Khofifah Indar Parawansa, M.Sc., and the Deputy Governor of East Java Dr. H. Emil Elestianto Dardak, M.Sc., Governor of Central Java H. Ganjar Pranowo, S.H., M.I.P., Chairman of PBNU Prof. Dr. K.H. Said Aqil Siradj, M.A., and the General Chairperson of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive Prof. Dr. K.H., Haedar Nasir, M.Si.
Not to be missed, messages and hopes for new students were also conveyed by the Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi, S.T., M.T., Mayor of Pasuruan Drs. H. Saifullah Yusuf, Mayor of Blitar Drs. H. Santoso., M.Pd., Regent of Jember Ir. H. Hendy Siswanto, Regent of Lumajang H. Thoriqul Haq, S.Ag., MML., Regent of Magetan Dr. Drs. Suprawoto, S.H., M.Sc., and Lamongan Regent Dr. H. Yuhronur Efendi, M.B.A.
In addition, the Regent of Pamekasan H. Baddrut Tamam, S.Psi., Regent of Kediri Hanindhito Himawan Pramana, S.H., Regent of Blitar Hj. Rini Syarifah, A.Md., Regent of Nganjuk Dr. Drs. H. Marhaen Djumadi., S.E., S.H., M.M., M.B.A., Regent of Mojokerto dr. Ikfina Fahmawati, M.Sc., and the Deputy Regent of Jombang Sumrambah. Finally, Congratulations on the Process of the Nation's Generation on the Campus of the Champions! #UnesaSatuLangDiDepan (Git/Has/Zam)
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