Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The UNESA Institute for Development, Learning and Profession received a team visit from three campuses at once on Thursday, October 21, 2021 at the UNESA LP3M Building, Lidah Wetan Campus. The three campuses in question are University of Bengkulu, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and UIN Walisongo Semarang.
The meeting was in the context of sharing and exchanging experiences regarding the implementation of the Independent Learning and Independent Campus (MBKM), research and scientific publications to the management of PPG. On that occasion. Dr. Bachtiar S Bachri, M.Pd the head of LP3 UNESA stated that his party is happy to share experiences with various campuses in an effort to improve the quality of MBKM implementation, scientific publications and PPG.
The implementation of MBKM requires universities to build networks, not only with fellow universities, but also with the business world and industry. Of course the direction is to build and strengthen Link and Match between universities and the business world. So that college graduates are always able to encourage the development of the business world, are also able to open and provide jobs in the community.
In accordance with the direction of the times, MBKM must be dynamic. In the face of rapid changes and demands, UNESA has implemented many strategies. One of them is by building work units and work units. "Our intention is to anticipate various dynamics and needs related to MBKM and other fields," he said.
Meanwhile, one of the representatives from UIN Walisongo said that the visit was intended to discuss and share experiences between campuses in these fields. To support the implementation of MBKM, his party has collaborated with various campuses and institutions. Each representative of the three campuses expressed their gratitude to UNESA for accepting the visit and sharing their experiences. [UNESA PR]
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