Director of Educational Transformation and Learning Technology, Fida Rachmadiarti (second from left); Director of Public Relations and Public Information, Vinda Maya Setianingru (left); and Head of Sub-Directorate for Student Admissions and Graduation or Unesa Admission, Sukarmin (second from right), as a resource person for the socialization entitled Unesa Virtual Campus Expo (UVCE), accompanied by moderator Mufti Isror Alfarobby (right). src=
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (Unesa) continues to transform into a state university with a legal entity or PTN-BH that is adaptive, outstanding and has a global reputation. In its development, the campus nicknamed 'Home of Champions' already has 11 faculties plus PSDKU Campus 5 Magetan.
Director of Educational Transformation and Learning Technology, Fida Rachmadiarti in the Socialization of New Student Admissions for the 2025 SNBP (National Selection Based on Achievement) Path on Monday, January 13 2025 explained, 11 faculties at Unesa oversee 96 academic undergraduate (S-1) and applied undergraduate study programs (D-4).
Unesa's faculties are spread across two campuses. There are six faculties at Campus 1 Ketintang, and 5 faculties at Campus 2 Lidah Wetan. Apart from that, there is PSDKU Campus 5 Magetan. The faculties at Campus 1 Ketintang are as follows.
First, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) has 9 study programs. Second, Faculty of Law (FH) houses 1 study program. Third, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) 9 study programs. Fourth, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) has 11 study programs. Fifth, Faculty of Engineering (FT) has 13 study programs. Sixth, Vocational Faculty (FV) houses 12 applied undergraduate or D-4 study programs.
Meanwhile, the faculties at Campus 2 Lidah Wetan are as follows. First, Faculty of Medicine (FK) has 4 study programs. Second, Faculty of Education (FIP) has 7 study programs. Third, Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) with 1 study program. Fourth, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) 14 study programs. Fifth, Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK) with 6 study programs. And, PSDKU or Unesa Campus 5 Magetan with 9 study programs.“All of these prospective study programs can be selected on the path SNBP and on average it has been accredited Superior and A. In fact, dozens of study programs have received international accreditation, there are 11 study programs that are ASIIN accredited, 16 study programs are AQAS accredited, and 4 FIBA accredited study programs," said the FMIPA professor.
Head of Sub-Directorate for Student Admissions and Graduation or Unesa Admission, Sukarmin said that there were several differences between the 2025 SNBP and last year. This year's SNBT has flexibility for schools that implement E-Report.
“In the past, the quota for schools accredited A was 40%. If the school is accredited A and has implemented E-Report, then the quota is increased by 5% to become 45% of the eligible quota. Likewise for schools with B and C accreditation that already use E-Report, their quota will be increased by 5%," he explained.
The SNBP Assessment System
The 2025 SNBP applies The assessment system is almost the same as last year, which is based on semester 1-4 or 5 report card scores. The SNBP assessment component consists of several aspects.
First, report card scores. As much as 50 percent of the SNBP value is from the report card value. Second, subject grades that correspond to the chosen study program. For example, if a prospective applicant chooses a biology study program at Unesa, what is seen is the value of the biology subject (mapel) on the report card.
"Even though students are free to choose a study program, choose one that suits their abilities, talents and interests. "If you don't take the chemistry subject at upper secondary school, it's best not to choose the chemistry major, because the score or grade for the appropriate subject will definitely be low," he said.
Third, a certificate also needs to be prepared , because it is one of the components of the assessment. Therefore, prospective applicants need to collect certificates and then select the four best (the tallest, most accomplished, and according to the study program chosen) to be included in the registration.
Fourth, for candidates Applicants who choose sports and arts study programs are required to include a portfolio of their abilities. If prospective applicants choose an arts study program, they must write a portfolio about their abilities in the arts.
Fifth, the graduation of SNBP participants is also determined by school factors, namely school accreditation and school index. The school index is calculated based on the achievements of students from that school who registered for SNBP in previous years.
"That is the component that determines the final score or graduation of 2025 SNBP participants that prospective applicants must pay attention to. "For this reason, we urge prospective SNBP applicants at Unesa to prepare themselves and strategize from now on," he concluded.[*]
Reporter: Fatimah Najmus Shofa (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Unesa Public Relations Team
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