Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA— Sub-directorate of Counseling and Career Guidance Services, Directorate of Student Affairs and Alumni, Surabaya State University (UNESA) held the 2023 Career Fair with the theme "Accelerated Golden Indonesia: Exploring Career Opportunities and Innovation with UNESA Career Center" at the Multipurpose Building, Ketintang Campus, on Friday, 27 October 2023.
This activity, which collaborates with Jobfair.co.id, BEM Vocational, and 36 companies plus 10 MSMEs, aims to bring students and alumni closer to job and career opportunities in companies.
Head of Sub-Directorate for Counseling and Career Guidance Services, Muhammad Farid Ilhamuddin, S.Pd., M.Pd., stated that this event helps UNESA alumni to quickly get a job and shorten their time to get a job.
"That's why, This event is held after graduation. "So that after they graduate and get a diploma, they can get the job they want," said the man who is a lecturer at the Faculty of Education (FIP).
This Career Fair is the first time it has been held offline post-pandemic. The collaboration with JobFair.co.id was carried out because there are already many company partners. "In order to be right on target, the companies provided today can match the profile of UNESA graduates," he explained.
The party will make this activity a routine agenda and the companies invited to collaborate are ready to conduct interviews and are ready to make graduates UNESA as part of human resources in the company.
In the interview session, the Vice Chancellor for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Si, said, UNESA has a responsibility to introduce its graduates to the world of work and industry, providing training to students regarding entrepreneurship so that they not only look for work, but also create jobs.
This is in line with UNESA's vision as PTN-BH is to make a tough, adaptive, innovative and entrepreneurship-based educational university.
"In the future, UNESA, BEM of the Vocational Faculty, and BEM from other faculties, are expected to collaborate with the world business and industry. There students will learn to adapt to the world of work. "Because communication skills will be really needed," he said.

Dr. Suprapto, S.Pd., M.T., Dean of the Vocational Faculty, responded that the collaboration carried out by the Vocational Faculty was not only limited to providing the Career Fair program but they also entrusted their students to the companies involved for internships, so that in terms of communication they were able to invite cooperation. it's easier.
"In order to increase job recruitment, especially for vocational graduates, apart from having a diploma, all graduates already have competency certification which can be the main consideration for companies in recruiting our graduates," he added.
Then in the material session, Benny Budhijanto as Owner of B'Concept and Business Development, conveyed tips for self-development in the world of work, namely developing business ideas, adding skills, and discussing with people who are experienced in their field.
" In today's era, mental health greatly influences work productivity. "So you need courage and confidence in your own abilities as well as focusing on your goals by adopting positive habits," he said. []
Reporter: Rafa Afifa/Diana
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