Primary level students throughout Greater Surabaya (Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo) took part in the Storytelling competition held by the UNESA Central Library.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—In commemoration of UNESA's 60th Anniversary and Library Visit Day, the circulation room was filled with the echoing voices of elementary/MI storytelling competition participants from three cities, namely Surabaya, Sidoarjo and Gresik, on Wednesday, 4 September 2024, on Floor G of the Central Library, Lidah Wetan Campus II.
Organized by the UNESA Library in collaboration with the Literacy Center, LPPM UNESA, this competition was attended by 81 participants who were then narrowed down to 12 selected participants. This competition was judged by 3 judges who were present in person, Hendratno; Andik Yulianto; and Maryam Isnaini Damayanti.
Hendratno as a representative of one of the judges gave a sentence to motivate and convey the qualifications for the competition assessment, which will later be assessed based on several criteria: Story content, appearance, intonation, story mastery, language, creativity , and artistic value.
“Later, what will be assessed is the content of the story, appearance, voice or intonation, creativity, artistic value and finally language. "Happy competing, happy competing," he said opening this storytelling competition.
Selected participants demonstrated their ability to tell stories by displaying various kinds of movements and expressions to attract the attention of the jury. The accessories worn are in accordance with the theme of the story being told. Several students were seen wearing bird headdresses, fairy wands, and no food tags.
One of the participants, Gafaruq Yusuf from UPTD SDN 32 Gresik appeared in his red and white uniform plus a book mainstay, Little Scientist.
One The competition participant, Gafaruq Yusuf, a UPTD student at SD Negeri 32 Gresik who is currently in grade 5, attracted the attention of the entire audience and jury with his witty and cheerful style. Faruq, as he is known, told a story about visiting the library wearing a necklace as an accessory to support his story. He admitted that he was happy to be able to show his performance in this competition.
“I'm really happy, because I can express my feelings and all my hard work since last August 15th. "Honestly, I'm really relieved," he said happily.
Faruq also revealed the preparations he went through to be able to stand at this point. “The important thing in preparation is to have an interesting story, continuous practice to the maximum. And show your best, okay!” said the male student wearing the 'No Food' accessory.
He prepared for the competition guided by school teachers and tutors. Aspiring to become a professor, Faruq conveyed a piece of hope after taking part in this competition. "My hope is that I can get the best results and make my parents happy," he concluded.
Preparation for training is not only felt by the competition participants, but also by the storytelling competition companion and PPG student, Putri Hariyati, who revealed the teacher's preparations to accompany students taking part in the competition, which of course carries out regular practice.
Putri revealed that the participants' practice technique was to continuously repeat the reading of the story text, paying attention to intonation, body movements and expressions, and language pronunciation.
This PPG student also revealed the classification of students- The female students who were then selected as school representatives in this competition were to pay attention to students whose vocabulary was good and active.
This competition is intended to increase literacy, interest in visiting the library, and foster enthusiasm storytelling from an early age.
PPG Student who teaches at UPT SDN 22 Gresik, expressed his follow-up and hopes that this storytelling activity can later be included in extracurricular activities at his place of teaching to increase the love of reading books among elementary school students.
"The next step if he wins this competition is to further hone his talents and perhaps make this activity an extracurricular activity at school, so that he can make other friends interested in stories and books." He said.
On the other hand, the PIC of the storytelling competition as well as the Associate Archivist of the UNESA Central Library, Titin Sumarti, reiterated the aim of holding this competition in commemoration of Library Visit Day, which falls on September 14 2024.
The Central Library Archivist said that the participants in the storytelling competition were those at the elementary/MI level and UNESA students. "There will be 2 participants in the competition, namely SD/MI which will be held today, and UNESA students - specifically UNESA students, which will be held tomorrow," he said.
Titin also advised all elementary and university students to be more enthusiastic about visit the library. "Hopefully with this event, we can motivate all elementary school students and university students to visit the library," he said.
The ranking of participants in this competition will later be classified into 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners, which will be announced directly via the Unesa Library website.[]
Reporter: Dewanda Puspita (Internship)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR TeamShare It On: