Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Budi Darma's big name, personality and works are timeless. Each of his words and actions becomes an unforgettable impression for his family, relatives, friends, co-workers and those who know him indirectly. Those impressions and memories were collected into a book “Call Me Budi Darma” by the UNESA Pensioners Association.
The book was launched on Saturday, October 16, 2021 at the Office of the UNESA Pensioners Association, Ketintang Campus. Alimufi Arief, Chair of the UNESA Pensioners Association (IPUNESA) stated that the book was born from the desire of the IPUNESA extended family to capture the impressions and memories of knowing Budi Darma. "Once I shared the plan for this book in the group, it took less than a week to collect all the manuscripts," he said.
For him, it's not only because of Budi Darma's big name in the world of literature, but also because of his unbeatable personality. As a great writer who is known at home and abroad, he continued, people can get to know Budi Darma through his works. However, as a person who is humble and caring and always motivates others, that is what he devotes and wants to share with all through this book. According to him, Budi Darma is an inspirational figure, his stance is strong, humble, gentle and friendly to all. "When I call Prof, he always says, just call me Pak Budi," he recalled.
Hananto Widodo, the son of Budi Darma who was also present at the event, said that the UNESA Professor (emeritus) did have a unique attitude; as a writer he was so wild and vicious. Meanwhile, in his daily life, he is known to be polite and refined. "Father doesn't like people who are arrogant and arrogant, just getting this title and that's all, already feels pretentious and understands better than others," he said.
Besides not wanting to be called a professor, he continued, Budi Darma also did not use the title Raden in his name. Raden is only attached to the name Budi Darma until the junior high school (SMP) level. After that, the title Raden was no longer used. “This kind of thing is a kind of strength and color in our extended family. The principle is how to handle life wisely and simply,” he explained.
There are so many unforgettable impressions, messages and memories from Budi Darma, they all become the color of each page of the book written by around 40 authors from both IPUNESA and former UNESA Chancellors such as, Drs. Soerono Martorahardjo, Prof. Toho Cholik Mutohir, Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Haris Supratno, Prof. Dr. Muchlas Samani to Prof. Dr. Warsono, M.S. UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan., M.Kes., gave the opening remarks for the book.
Prof. Dr. Nurhasan., M.Kes stated that Budi Darma's literary works had been discussed in a national symposium held by the Faculty of Languages and Arts UNESA some time ago. The results of the discussion involving dozens of Indonesian writers and writers were then used as a book on Budi Darma's literary theory.
Next year, he continued, UNESA will follow up on Budi Darma's literary theory in the form of an international conference involving experts and writers from various countries. "We plan it together and hopefully it will run smoothly and Pak Budi's literary theory will not only color Indonesian literature, but also the world," he said.
Alimufi hopes that the book "Call Me Budi Darma" can fill the niche of the insight of the country's children about the great Indonesian writer who is known to the world. In addition, it can also inspire many people and young Indonesians.
"We need to remember and immortalize such a rare and charming person through our works, so that his values and principles of life are passed on from generation to generation," he said. The event was attended by the ranks of IPUNESA, the extended family of UNESA, and the family of Budi Darma. [UNESA PR]
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