Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - The Office of International Affairs (OIA) of the State University of Surabaya held an opening ceremony for the Online Unesa Summer Course (USC) on Monday (31/05/2021). This time the Unesa Summer Course batch 1 in 2021 is titled Education, Culture, Arts, Sciences, and Sports.
The opening ceremony was attended by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., Representative of the Indonesian Embassy in the Philippines Prof. Dr. Ir. Aisyah Endah Palupi, and Representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Cambodia Dr. Sea Nia.
This year USC was attended by a number of students from various campuses around the world, such as Ateneo De Manila University (Philippines), Technological Institute of The Philippines (Philippines), Tun Hussein Onn Universiti (Malaysia), Mara Technology University (Malaysia), Zhejian Normal University (China), and Ho Chi Minh City Open University (China).
In addition, there are also from Romania University, Iraq Sulaymaniyah, University of Vienna (Austria), Kaichi International University (Japan), University of Kent (UK), Cambodia (Cambodia), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Ghana), and University Airlangga.
Representative of the Indonesian Embassy in the Philippines Prof. Dr. Ir. Aisyah Endah Palupi in her speech explained that there were about 28 students who participated in this program. Supporting the program, he will do his best to facilitate Filipino students during the USC program at Unesa. He hopes that the USC program organized by Unesa will have a major impact on the development of student knowledge about Indonesia.
The Indonesian Embassy in Cambodia Dr. Lauti Nia gave a message to USC participants to continue to network and build connections with fellow USC Unesa program participants. In this program, he continued, participants will learn about Indonesian culture, especially Javanese culture. "Use this opportunity to meet new friends and develop yourself," he said. The activity ended with the performance of the Remo Dance and the introduction of Unesa to the participants. (Nov/zam)
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