Unesa.ac.id Surabaya - Surabaya State University (Unesa) officially cooperates with Airlangga University Hospital (Unair) Surabaya in the courtroom of the 8th floor Rectorate Building Unesa Lidah Wetan Campus Surabaya on Friday (12/7).
Prof. Dr. Nurhasan M. Kes welcomes this cooperation and hopes in compiling two study programs (study programs) namely the Vocational and Sports Medicine study program seeking to establish a study program and the faculty of sports. In this case Unesa has the advantage that is in the fields of sports art and special needs.
" Those strategies will we build for Unesa going forward and inevitably like it or not in our digital era "We have to be creative innovate and adapt in anticipation "" said Prof. Nurhasan
Meanwhile Prof. Dr. Nasronudin dr. Sp.PD-KPTI strives to build cooperation in serving health especially medical check-ups which are carried out on leaders lecturers students and new students.
" We are from the hospital. serve. We are ready to serve health. Healthy people must be prevented from getting sick. We invite cooperation especially in medical check-ups. "What we have done at the Airlangga University is for the leadership all lecturers and students" said Prof. Nasronudin
The next event was the signing of the collaboration (MoU) between Unesa and Unair Hospital carried out directly by the Unesa Rector Prof. Dr. Nurhasan M. Kes. With the Director of Unair Surabaya Hospital Prof. Dr. Nasronudin dr. Sp.PD-KPTI. The signing of the MoU was witnessed by the Deputy Director of Medical and Nursing Services Dr. Hamzah dr. Sp.An. KNA Deputy Director of Finance and Resources Prof. Dr. Djoko Agus Purwanto Apt. M.Sc Deputy Director of Education and Training Prof. Dr. Muhammad Amin dr. Sp.P (K) Managers and staff of Unair Hospital. Then proceed with giving compassion to the Unair Hospital and ended with a group photo. (Lus)
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