Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Students taking the MBKM program took part in the Socialization and Launching of the MBKM SIM held by the MBKM Subdirectorate, Academic Directorate of Surabaya State University (UNESA) on Friday, February 16 2024.
Head of MBKM Sub-Directorate, Dr. M Jacky, S.Sos., M.Sc., said that the MBKM SIM can be used by students in five program themes; independent study, national defense, entrepreneurship, teaching assistance or campus teaching, and humanitarian projects.
He added that the MBKM program refers to UNESA Chancellor's Regulation Number 18 of 2023 concerning the Implementation of MBKM which states that students can attend lectures at including the pattern of six semesters in the study program and two semesters outside UNESA.
Two semesters of learning activities outside campus can be undertaken through nine MBKM programs which include: student exchange, internship, teaching at school or PLP, research, humanitarian projects, entrepreneurial activities, independent studies or projects, building villages or Thematic KKN, and defending the country.
"Our MBKM is mandatory for 2 semesters, ladies and gentlemen. For pure study program students (non-educational) there are "Internship obligations are mandatory, and those in education study programs are required to be PLP. For the record, there will be a new policy that students who have pure study programs or those who study education can take part in the MSIB program," he explained.
The Head of MBKM Sub-Directorate emphasized that students choose the MBKM scheme according to their needs or interests. For example, students who want to become entrepreneurs can choose the MBKM entrepreneurial scheme which includes ministry, independent and other schemes.< /p>
"With this program, students can develop their own businesses or with friends in the study program or outside the study program, and can even collaborate with communities such as MSMEs," explained the Lamongan-born lecturer.
Regarding national defense, there are also two schemes, namely the ministry or flagship activities implemented or initiated by the ministry, and the independent scheme or activities initiated by UNESA in the form of student education or training to foster attitudes and behavior of love for the country.
Furthermore, regarding humanitarian projects, it aims to encourage students to hone social sensitivity, explore and deepen existing problems, and also provide solutions according to their respective interests and expertise.
Regarding domestic humanitarian projects, the MBKM Subdirectorate is collaborating with SMCC to carry out disaster activities, establishing disaster resilient villages, disaster safe schools and handling stunting.
Apart from that , there are also overseas humanitarian projects such as in Malaysia, for example in collaboration with the Indonesian Embassy in Malaysia and the Council of Chancellors of Indonesian State Universities (MRPTNI). This activity also involves the UNESA Sub-directorate of International Affairs or Office of International Affairs (OAI).
"Last year we sent 6 students to carry out humanitarian projects in Malaysia funded by UNESA. This program will continue this year. "The activity is to provide educational services for the children of Indonesian migrant workers there," he explained.
In the socialization which was attended by students and study program coordinators, there was a technical explanation regarding the scheme or use of the MBKM SIM from the resource person, namely Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu , S.Si., M.Sc., as Head of the Internship Section, Rusly Hidayah, S.Si., M.Pd., Head of the PLP Section, Supriyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd, Head of the Student Exchange Section, and Dimas Yoan Rizaldi, S.Kom., as IT. []
Reporter: Sindy Riska/Fatimah Najmus Shofa
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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