Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The Center for Literacy Studies, Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), UNIVERSITAS NEGERI SURABAYA (UNESA) is holding a series 2 online workshop on Character, Literacy and Numeracy on Saturday, 11 June 2022.
Aware of the theme "Character, Literacy and Numeracy in the Pancasila Student Profile, it is an offering to Prof. Dr. Muchlas Samani, M.Pd., who will soon retire. Prof Muchlas is a professor in the field of Education Management as well as the Chancellor of UNESA for the 2010-2014 period.
As a speaker, apart from Prof. Samani was also present at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, UNESA, Drs. Sumarno, M. Hum., and a teacher at Binus International School, Bekasi, Nur Chasanah. The speaker was accompanied by a moderator, Anas Ahmadi, a lecturer at the Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS) UNESA.
The chief executive, Septina Alrianingrum, S.S., M.Pd., said that the activity with a special theme was aimed at exploring character and literacy issues related to the profile of Pancasila students. “Character and literacy are our common concern. This is an important point in our education process in Indonesia. Character and literacy play a key role," he said.
In addition, the event is also an offering for Prof. Samani who will end his academic duties as an ASN at UNESA. "Of course we hope that Prof can continue to take part in other activities and synergize with UNESA. Keep working for Indonesia. His works continue to be awaited by generations," he said.
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Maspiyah, M.Kes., who represented the Chancellor of UNESA said that the topics discussed in the activity were quite crucial, because they were directly related to the policy or curriculum for independent learning at the elementary and secondary school levels, which focused on achieving character that reflects the profile of Pancasila students.
Among the competencies that must be possessed by students in the Pancasila student profile are literacy and numeracy competencies. "Hopefully, after this workshop, UNESA friends will benefit and be enthusiastic to continue to assist in developing the literacy, numeracy and character development of students. I am optimistic that this will yield benefits for a more attractive future,” he hoped.
In the material session, Prof. Muchlas Samani said that character has a big contribution to a person's life. Mindset growth is part of the character in the form of curiosity, open thinking, self-confidence and much more.
"Don't underestimate character. This is part of the key to one's success. Therefore, the character of Pancasila needs to be instilled from an early age. Of course not by rote, but from the examples and examples they are accustomed to, from their teachers and their parents," he said.
The next session, Sumarno added, the nation's character was formed from the function of Pancasila. This effort is successful because it is able to build the character of the nation until now. The character and literacy of the nation is largely determined by the culture of reading and writing. Reading, he continued, is not only written but also implied.
He is concerned that the literacy level of the Indonesian people is still low, which is ranked 115th in the world. According to him, literacy is not only about reading. But part of language in communicating.
“Numeration literacy is literacy that is closely related to many symbols, graphs, and calculations so that students are able to solve problems and contribute to society. The numeracy aspect supports the profile of Pancasila students," explained Nur Chasanah. [UNESA PR]
Author: Muhammad Haikal
Editor: @Hizam Alasyiah*
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