Legal! More than a thousand graduates officially hold degrees. UNESA leadership encourages graduates to remain tough, adaptive and contribute to society, nation and state.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) inaugurated 1,513 graduates at the 112th Period Open Graduation Meeting for Applied Bachelor's, Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral levels at GRAHA UNESA, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya on Wednesday, 30 October 2024.
This graduation has the theme "Producing UNESA Graduates who are Adaptive towards a Golden Indonesia." According to the Chancellor of UNESA, Nurhasan, this theme is a representation of the spirit of the tridharma of higher education implemented at UNESA.
"The academic process is a route that students go through with various learning schemes that are specially prepared so that they are better prepared to enter campus life and entering the world of work in the digital era," he said.
The Chancellor, who is familiarly called Cak Hasan, added that UNESA not only produces graduates who can have careers in the world of business and industry, but also encourages graduates to make a contribution in encouraging acceleration of national and state development.

The Chancellor of UNESA, Cak Hasan ensures that his graduates are very ready to enter the world of business and industry.
"Our nation has a big vision "In 100 years of independence, that is to become a developed and superior country or what we often call the vision of Golden Indonesia 2045. Therefore, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Pak Prabowo, asked to step on the gas to realize this mission," he said.
Vision Golden Indonesia 2045 can only be achieved by preparing superior human resources through the implementation of quality education. "The spirit of implementing the UNESA tridharma of higher education is orchestrated in the vision of a Golden Indonesia 2045," said the sports science professor after the graduation procession.
Cak Hasan is well aware that to realize Indonesia's great ideals, commitment and Strong cooperation between universities, central and regional governments and stakeholders. Human resources must be a shared priority through education.

Representing all 112 graduates, Berliana Ulfa Faizah conveyed her message and impression, as well as her gratitude to all the leaders and lecturers, as well as to the strong parents and great.
“With various schemesby design prepared by UNESA, we hope that these graduating graduates will be graduates who are competent, adaptive, creative, innovative, and will contribute to society wherever they work and have a career," hoped the chancellor.
To motivate students, UNESA gave appreciation in the form of award certificates and education savings to the 12 best graduates from various study programs and faculties. One of the best graduates, Berliana Ulfa Faizah delivered her speech on behalf of all the graduates.
The daughter of the couple Bambang Sumitro and Maria expressed her thanks to all the leadership and lecturers who have been patient in educating and guiding her until she wore the proud toga. each.

The best graduates receive savings or education funds plus offer further study scholarships to the best undergraduate and postgraduate graduates, as well as post-doctoral scholarships to the best postdoctoral graduates 3.
Thank you very much to him too convey to parents and all parents of graduates who have been willing to work hard to see their children go to college and get a degree.
"Hopefully the spirit of struggle and sincerity of our parents, and the knowledge we get from the lecturers can be useful in the future. "From today, let's get up from feeling lazy and start planning our lives for the future," he hoped.
The names of the best UNESA graduates are as follows:
- Dewi Nur Arifah, GPA 3.87, commendation, from D-4 Informatics Management study program, Vocational Faculty;
- Arie Wahyu Maulidya, GPA 3.90, commendation, from Bachelor of Education Management study program, Faculty Education Sciences (FIP);
- Berliana Ulfa Faizah, GPA 3.98, honors, from the Bachelor of Chinese Language Education study program, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS);
- Aynani Luthfiyyah, GPA 3.91, honors degree, from the Bachelor of Biology Education study program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA);
- Dhelsya Algadry Mahendra, GPA 3.89, honors degree, from S study program -1 Public Administration Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol);
- Miftakhul Ulum Khasanah, GPA 3.90, commendation from the Bachelor of Information Engineering study program, Faculty of Engineering (FT);
- Ika Puji Rahayu, GPA 3.82, commendation, from Bachelor of Sports Science study program, Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK)
- Moh Reza Noer Irvansyah, GPA 3.91, honors from the Bachelor of Economics study program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB);
- Azzahra Ayu Sabilla, GPA 3.81, honors, from the Bachelor of Laws study program, Faculty of Law (FH);
- Ervira Febriati, GPA 3.89; honors title, Bachelor of Psychology study program, Faculty of Psychology.
- Mala Mulia, GPA 4.00, honors, Masters of Science Education study program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA);
- Ahmad Fauzi Hendratmoko, GPA 4.00 with honors, from the Doctoral Science Education study program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA).[*]
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Reporters: Tarisa Adistia (FBS), Medina Azzahra (FBS), Saputra (FBS), M Ja'far Sodiq (FIP), Prismacintya (FBS), and M Azhar Adi Mas'ud (FBS ).
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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