Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—A total of 1,501 graduates of Surabaya State University (UNESA) celebrated their graduation at the 108th Graduation Ceremony at the Intermediate Expert, Bachelor, Master and Doctoral levels at Graha UNESA, Lidah Wetan Campus, on Tuesday, 10 October 2023.
This graduation carries the theme "Graduates who are ready to innovate, collaborate and be dedicated towards the Golden Generation 2045". UNESA Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., encouraged his graduates to contribute and become leaders in welcoming a Golden Indonesia 2045.
He believes that his graduates can provide the best for society, because they have been equipped with various competencies through various talent programs and entry routes Specifically prepared, there are leadership talent pathways, academic achievements, arts, sports and religious achievements.
"With UNESA's touch, God willing, they (graduates; ed) will be able to become pioneers of change in society towards a resilient Indonesia , dedicated, and has a strong Indonesian identity," said Cak Hasan enthusiastically.
UNESA, continued Cak Hasan, advised the graduates to appear confident as strong and wise individuals. Quoting the advice of a wise man, be like rice, the fuller the lower you are, the more knowledgeable you are, the more humble you are.
There are several keys to success according to the Chancellor. First, relationships or networks. This is important to give birth to innovation. Productive collaboration, born from extensive networks and full of innovative ideas. Second, tough in character or personality.
Third, ideas or ideas are creative and beneficial to society. Fourth, be disciplined and independent. "Stay optimistic, tough and adaptive, because whoever is able to adapt is the winner, anyone, individual, group, even country," he said.
Vice Chancellor for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Si., added that the challenges for graduates now and in the future are increasingly challenging. For this reason, his party has formulated academic programs so that students are ready to face the demands of the times.
The MBKM provided is related to the skills needed in the 21st century, namely collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking. These competencies are provided outside of their study program competencies.
"We strengthen graduates with competencies such as collaboration and communication. This is important. Considering the results of the tracer study, some of our graduates work outside their study program knowledge," he said.
At this graduation, UNESA gave awards to the 10 best graduates. They are; 1) Dewi Indah Wilujeng, GPA 3.88, from D-4 Fashion Design, 2) Putri Wulandari, GPA 3.91, from Bachelor of Education Management, 3) Erika Nur Candra, GPA 3.96, Bachelor of Fine Arts Education, 4) Muhammad Taufiqurrahman, GPA 3.97 from Bachelor of Mathematics Education.
Next, 5) Alifia Widianti, GPA 3.91, from Bachelor of PPKn, 6) Simon Frans Welly S. GPA 3.87, from Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering . 7) Nanda Agil Wicaksono, GPA 3.88, from Bachelor of Sports Science. 8) Ervina Renovaka Pradev Devi, GPA 3.94 from Bachelor of Economics Education. 9) Khoirotul Ula, GPA 3.97 from Master of Basic Education. 10) Windiyati Nugroho, GPA 3.98, from S-3 Educational Technology. []
Reporter Team: Annisa Aulia Mujiono/Ruruh Susiolowati/Tarisa Adistia/Azhar Adi Masud/Fatimah Nazmu Shofa/Sindi Riska/Fionna Ayu Shabrina/Liba Lubabatul Karimah /Achmad Rosyid Nurhidayat
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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