The UNESA Tennis Team dominates the 2024 Inter-Agency Tennis National Championship.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) succeeded in making an achievement after winning the 2024 Inter-Agency National Tennis Championships in the context of the 60th UNESA Anniversary, Sunday, December 8 2024 at the Unesa Tennis Field, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya.
The National Championship was attended by 11 groups from Institutions in the Institutional Team category and 14 pairs in the Individual Achievement Independent of Agency. The UNESA A team successfully won first place in the team category in category 110 after defeating Jember State University (Unej) 2 – 0.
For this success, the Unesa A Tennis Team was entitled to a coaching prize of IDR 10 million and a trophy. . Dean of the Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK) UNESA, Dwi Cahyo Kartiko as team captain admitted that he was very happy and proud of this achievement.
“This is very encouraging. Because so far we have never won against Unej. "We have never won in Jember, and thank God, when we played here (Unesa) we were able to win and become champions," said the FIKK professor.
"We won 2-0 in an extraordinary category, namely the 110 category, sir. Irmantara Subagio and Mr Agus Hariyanto managed to beat Prof Tri who was paired with Mr Yoyok. "Meanwhile in the 100 category, Advendi, Kristiyandaru, paired with Anung Priambodo, also won," he explained.
"In the achievement category, we won 2nd place after failing to overcome the Bank Jatim hurdle. "Furqon and Pak Dhani lost with a score of 7-2, 7-7, 8-7, 8-8, tie break 7-5," added Cahyo.
This basketball professor explained further. that this tennis championship is also preparation for taking part in the 2025 LPTK CUP in Medan.
“This is part of the trials in preparation for getting there. This is also our evaluation material. "We carry out training every Tuesday and Thursday, and this has been going on for almost four months," he explained.
"Getting to LPTK CUP 2025 is not easy, it requires a long preparation. Every Tuesday and Thursday we train for 4 hours, from 7 to 11. We train for the LPTK CUP. Thank God, this is the fruit of our hard training all this time. "Hopefully we will also be able to win the LPTK CUP," he hoped.
Cahyo said that the 2024 Inter-Agency National Tennis Championship in the context of the 60th UNESA Anniversary received direct support from the Chancellor of UNESA, Nurhasan alias Cak Hasan .
“The Chancellor was very supportive by attending in person yesterday. "The participants from state and private institutions who participated also admitted that they were very happy with the holding of the tennis championship in the context of Unesa's 60th Anniversary this year," he explained again.
"Thank God, everything went smoothly and safely, the implementation was a success and achievements," concluded Cahyo.
The 2024 Inter-Agency National Tennis Championship was officially opened by the Deputy Chancellor I (Education, Student and Alumni Affairs) UNESA, Madlazim represents the Chancellor of UNESA.
The categories competed in are the 110 category with a minimum age of 55 years, the 100 category with a minimum age of 50 years, and the achievement category with a minimum age of 30 years.
A number of agencies participating in celebrating the 2024 Inter-Agency National Tennis Championships in the framework of the 60th UNESA Anniversary include; Unnes Semarang, UNJ Jakarta, Unej Jember, UPN, Malan State University (UM), Kodam V Brawijaya, East Java Regional Police, Kodiklatal, Surabaya City Education Office, East Java Education Office, Surabaya City PDAM, and Bank Jatim.[Roy]
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