Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The Department of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Surabaya held a national webinar with the theme New Experience Using Augmentation Virtual and Reality on Sunday (20/06/2021). This online webinar presented nine speakers, namely M. Naufal Ammar, M. Romli Firdaus, M. Jazaal Aufa, Indra Waskita, M. Saif Alikhan, Yofi Lailatul, Wirawan Dwi, Adinda Putri and M. Arsy Akbar. They are 2018 UNESA Informatics Engineering students.
On that occasion, they discussed and displayed their respective works related to the development of media based on augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technology.
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Maspiyah, M.Kes, expressed his pride in the creativity of students in creating various sophisticated and innovative technologies. This of course can add insight and experience for speakers and participants. "By exchanging knowledge, it is hoped that it can improve the quality of education and add insight into informatics and advances in the world of technology in general," he said.
In addition, Setya Cendra Wibawa, S.Pd., M.T as a lecturer in Virtual Augmentation and Reality said that the development of AR and VR-based technology has resulted in various applications that can be accessed via smartphones.
He continued, AR can be interpreted as a real environment that is added with visual objects. In addition to visual objects, AR has other main components, namely the tracking system and graphic system. One of the interesting ideas that the speaker has presented is augmented reality for traffic signs (ARTS) or augmented reality for traffic signs.
Indra Waskita, the speaker as well as the originator of the idea, revealed that ARTS can recognize traffic signs in Indonesia with a visual appearance that is more attractive and easier to understand. "Easy access on this smartphone device is also intended for students as a learning tool so that they are more familiar with and obey traffic signs," he explained.
In addition, Saif Alikhan, the speaker who presented his idea, namely AR Furniture Online. He said the application he developed with the team could make it easier for prospective buyers to organize and adjust furniture items to the conditions of their homes. In addition, it also makes it easier for sellers to carry out promotions without having to issue display items. Supporting platforms for making AR and VR-based applications include 3D Blender, Assemblr Studio, AR Core, Unity, and so on. (meds)
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