Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–The UNESA International Affairs Office again conducted the interview selection of applicants for the 2021 International Student Scholarship (ISS) batch two on Friday (06/08/2021).
The event which was held online was attended by Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd. as the Deputy Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation, the deputy deans for the academic field within UNESA, the head of the department, and the lecturer concerned.
The second batch of ISS 2021 interview selection was attended by around 45 prospective foreign students from Afghanistan and Pakistan. It is known that ISS is a scholarship program to provide broad opportunities for international students to study at Unesa.
Unesa ISS offers tuition fees, boarding and free language programs (Indonesian for non-native speakers) for international students. Scholarships are awarded for one year for BIPA, five years for undergraduate programs, three years for masters and four years for Ph.D.
The interview stage aims to strictly capture prospective international students who are entitled and meet the qualifications to get the 2021 ISS scholarship.
"Hopefully this interview selection can select foreign students who are qualified in their respective fields of knowledge and can be involved in advancing society and the country and even the world," Sujarwanto hoped. #MajuBersamaUnesa (Hasna)
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