Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya- Unesa Hifdzil Qur'an Virtual Competition with the theme "Realizing Indonesian Students Smart and Spirited Qur'ani in the Middle of Pandemic" was held on 28-29 November 2020 via zoom meeting and youtube.
This National Competition Level was held in celebrate of the 56th Dies Natalis Unesa which is consists of two part of the competition, those are Musabaqoh Hifdzil Qur’an 10 Juz dan Musabaqoh Hifdzil Qur’an 20 Juz.
A total of 72 participants who are high school students from all over Indonesia participated in the activity. People who join the 10 juz competition for men are 20 people and women 20 people, while the 20 juz for men are 16 people and woman 16 people.
Fandi Achmad Fachrurozi as A Chief Executive said that the competition activities was using E-Maqra application to test participants. The app is also used by National MTQ, an app that randomly lists verses.
Dr. H. Muhammad Turhan Yani, M.A in his speech welcomed the UHQ activity and hoped that participants could continue their education to the next level.
"With this activity, it can be a place for high school students to show their talents in learning Alqu'ran and can facilitate the way to a higher level," said Turhan.
Each part of competition is divided in to boys and girls. In the preliminary round, participants answered 3 questions. Participants are required to re-read the questions that have been read and continue 7-10 lines after. Participants are also required to turn on the camera and use the headset to make the sound clear and clear.
In the preliminary round, 3 boys and 3 girls were selected in to final row. The finalist must answer 7 questions. There are some criteria such as tajwid, fashahah, and memorizing,
After the assessment of the jury consisting of H. Nur Yasin Shirotol Mustaqim, MA, Nurul Hikmah, Lc., M.HI, Hj. Ainun Na'imah Afif, SHI, M.Pd, Khoirotus Sa'adah, S.Pd, and Moch. Miftachul Huda decided the first, second, third and champion hopes of one, two, three in each branch of the race.
The winner of Musabaqoh Hifdzil Qur’an for category 10 Juz for boys, the first winner is Anharul Mahfudin from MA Madrasatul Qur’an, the second is Fikrul Ihsanuh from SMAN 1 Padang Panjang, the third place was won by Muhammad Nizar Zulmi from MA Al Azhar. Meanwhile, the fourth winner is Muhammad Jauhirul Makhzun from SMA IT ASY SYAHZILI, the fifth winner is Adam Al-Halwi from SMAN Kedungwaru, and the sixth winner is M. Akbar Galeh Maulana from MA Bilingual.
The winner of Musabaqoh Hifdzil Qur’an for category 10 Juz for girls, the first winner is Mayasofa Robi’atul Adawiyah from MA Ad-Diniyah PPTQ Al – Munawwaroh, the second winner is Firly Auliya Zahro from Ma’had Tahfidzil Qur’an Al-‘Alamiy Maiftah Al Qur’an, the third winner is Fina Rif’atul Fadlik from MAS Bustanul Ulum. While the fourth winner is Aris Zuhriatul Kurnia from MA Al – Azhar, the fifth winner is Zahror Nur Azizah from SMA ABBS Surakarta, and the sixth winner is Salwa Nafisah from SMA Bina Insan Mandiri.
The winner of Musabaqoh Hifdzil Qur’an for category 10 Juz for boys. The first place was won by Abdurrohman from Pondok Ihya Assunah, second place was won by A.Ahamad Sholahuddin B.A from MA Madrasatul Qur'an, third place was won by Ahmad Najih Nabhan Amar from MA Madrasatul Qur'an. Meanwhile for the fourth winner is Yafi Najwan from MAN Model Medan, The fifth winner is Muhammad Faiz Fanani from MA Madrasatul Qur’an, and the sixth winner is Muhammad Zaina Fuad from SMA Islam Terpadu Asy Syadizili.
The winner of Musabaqoh Hifdzil Qur’an for category 10 Juz for girls. The first place was won by Sawabila Irfana from MAN 1 Gresik, second place was won by Nur Musyilana from MA Banu Hasyim, third place was won by Lailatul Badriyah from MA Banu Hasyim. Meanwhile, the fourth winner is Reicha Lutfi Ananda from MA Unggulan Nuris, the fifth winner is Siti Mafthuka from MA Banu Hayim, and the sixth winner is Rizky Kharisata Maulana from MA Unggulan Darul Ulum Rejoso Jombang.
The winners in each category for first, second and third place get E-charter awards and coaching money. While the winners of one, two, and three get the E-charter award. In addition, each participant who participates in each branch of the race will get an E-Certificate. (esti)
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