Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - The predicate as a disability-friendly campus is realized by the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) by continuing to empower them. One of them was when several lecturers from the Visual Communication Design study program, Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS) and lecturers from the communication science study program at the Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences (FISH) carried out the Community Service (PKM) program, with the scope of activities in the form of optimizing branding and marketing of Batik Ciprat. The location of the PKM is at the Rumah Kinasih Foundation, Blitar Regency, which empowers people with disabilities to be productive in making splashed batik. The batik cloth can then be used for various types of fashion such as bags, masks, clothes, and others.
The series of activities started last September 23 until the next month starting with branding and marketing training. Muh Ariffudin Islam, FBS Lecturer and PKM team leader, stated that this activity is expected to help increase the sales of batik made by people with disabilities.
“His work is extraordinary. Not only because they are special, but it is quality worthy to be marketed to the outside. We hope to collaborate to improve the branding process so that Rumah Kinasih is increasingly known among the public,” said the DKV lecturer.
In the training, lecturers with branding and marketing expertise provide understanding and guidance to Foundation management on how a product is marketed as well as product photo training activities.
“Branding today is very important for a product. especially to compete in national and international markets. Therefore, in addition to this training, in the future we will try to help prepare logos, graphic standard manuals, as well as promotional materials such as videos for the products here,” he explained.
This training was welcomed by Edy Cahyono, Head of the Rumah Kinasih Foundation. According to Edy, actually Ciprat Kinasih Batik products already have customers from local to foreign countries because of their uniqueness, where every single piece of cloth has the same motif. However, the pandemic when sales declined.
"We are happy if someone helps with branding and marketing because so far our marketing has not been optimal, there is no well-organized strategy," said Edy Cahyono.
Edy also hopes that the strengthening of marketing and branding strategies can maintain the existence of the Kinasih house because the existence of this foundation is very meaningful for workers, the majority of whom are disabled. According to him, so far they tend to be marginalized.
“Here (House Kinasih), there is hope for them to get the same opportunity. Also, the important thing is that there is recognition for their work because basically they don't want to be pitied” (HumasUnesa)
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