The UNESA LPPM leadership together with the ICRACOS 2024 organizing team.
Unesa., SURABAYA—International Conference on Research and Academic Community Services (ICRACOS) was again held by the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) through the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) online on Saturday, August 10 2024.
This sixth year of ICRACOS carries the theme "Current Research and Academic Community Services on Environment, Energy, and Earth Sciences for Supporting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)".
Related to this theme, UNESA invites academics, researchers and practitioners from within and outside the country to present practical case studies, theoretical papers, empirical studies and other papers in broad fields that support research and community service programs.
There were a number of speakers present, namely Prof. Dr. Hj. Luthfiyah Nurlaela M.Pd. from UNESA; Dr. Asia Ashfaq from Bahria University Islamabad Pakistan; Associate Prof. Dr. Mun'im Sirry from the University of Notre Dame, United States; and Prof. Tezara Cionita from INTI International University Malaysia.
The event opened with remarks by the Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation, Ranking, Publication and Science Center, UNESA, Bambang Sigit Widodo, saying that the SDGs have universal, integrated, inclusive principles to ensure that no region is left behind.< /p>
"UNESA has a responsibility to expand the SDGs, let's together promote sustainable development, protect the environment, fight inequality, and ensure a dignified life for all," he said.
Head of SGA Center LPPM UNESA, Sjafiatul Mardliyah, stated that the ICRACOS conference was clear evidence that UNESA has a strong commitment to contributing positively to human resources (SDA) and education in Indonesia.
He explained that the aim of ICRACOS included bringing together academic scientists, researchers and practitioners to share and exchange experiences and research results in all aspects.
"ICRACOS has been around since 2019, the knowledge and experience that has been managed by LPPM will be shared together in this activity, LPPM's research is not only for lecturers, but also for other teaching staff and also students, so the hope is that academics "UNESA can contribute to the development of science," he said,
Furthermore, in the material session, Prof. Luthfiyah Nurlaela, conveyed how education is making efforts to achieve the SDGs in the era of the industrial revolution 5.0 where technology and innovation are key factors in learning and skills development.
"Higher education institutions must be able to realize education for sustainable development that includes environmental aspects , social and economic," he said.
In the same session, Prof. Mun'im Sirry brought his material regarding religious views for sustainable peace and justice. Meanwhile, Prof. Tezara Cionita shares sustainable development strategies to build a green environment. In the final session, Asia Ashfaq conveyed the importance of quality education for sustainable development.
In addition, this year's ICRACOS highlighted five topics which represent important points in the SDGs, namely people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnerships. This activity, which is part of the Konaspi XI 2024 series, was attended by hundreds of participants and all levels of LPPM and UNESA leadership. []
Reporter: Mochammad Ja'far Sodiq (FIP), and Lina Lubabatul Karimah (FBS)
Editor: @zam* < /p>
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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