Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA —Surabaya State University (UNESA) continues to improve the quality of public information services. Various efforts were made, one of which was involved in Advocacy for Public Information Disclosure for 2023 Academic State Universities at the University of North Sumatra (USU), on Monday, September 4 2023.
The activity organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture together with the Central Information Commission was attended delegates from a number of PTNs. UNESA was represented by the Directorate of Public Relations and Public Information team.
Plt. The Head of the Ministry of Education and Culture's Public Relations and Cooperation Bureau, Anang Ristanto, said, in accordance with the mandate of Law No. 14 of 2008 concerning Public Information Disclosure, the Ministry of Education and Culture is committed to providing public information services. in the fields of education, culture, research and technology which are in line with the Freedom to Learn policy which is now entering its 26th episode.
Public information services are part of the Kemendikbudristek's bureaucratic reform. This activity emphasizes not only requiring ordinary service standards, but also the need for a more excellent public service work ethic. "We need innovation in conveying activities, public services to the community," he said. support and succeed in independent learning and support the realization of social welfare for advanced Indonesia. is the main requirement in democracy.
"We will not talk about public participation without the support of our efforts to provide proper information and proper knowledge to the public," he said.
In the article, There is also a mandate regarding human rights, one of which is the right to obtain or receive public information. For this reason, every public agency must provide or provide public information in accordance with the provisions or orders of the Public Information Disclosure Law (KIP).
"Public bodies must have public information service standards. To ensure that, we (KI) measure it through monitoring and evaluation. In addition, we also measure the compliance of public agencies with the KIP Law through public information disclosure index activities," he explained.
Another KIP commissioner, Rospita Vici Paulyn stressed the importance of monitoring and evaluation (monev)
Monev, he continued, is to increase public trust in institutions or universities, so that each agency must carry out various regulations with various changes in order to gain public trust.
>The existence of easily accessible information on the website will be one of the considerations for conducting an assessment, in addition to the leadership's commitment to the success of PPID's duties in their respective institutions. [*]
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