Unesa.ac.id-SURABAYA-In the midst of thousands of graduates of the 79-102 period of the Intermediate, Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral programs at the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) there were five people with disabilities who celebrated their graduation with their families at Graha UNESA on Thursday, July 28, 2022. They successfully completed their education at Graha UNESA. each product.
The graduates in question are 1) Nurul Hikmah from the English Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and Arts; 2) Rr. Savira Ayu Mukti from the Japanese Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and Arts; and 3) Nabila Fadilah graduated from Visual Communication Design (DKV) study program as well as the Faculty of Language and Arts. The three of them attended the graduation in session three (morning).
While the graduates with disabilities in session four (afternoon) are 1) Ida Bagus Aditya Anggradana Putra from the Graphic Design Study Program, Vocational Program; and 2) Axcel Tiorido Pasaribu also from the Graphic Design Study Program, Vocational Program.
To them, UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., awarded a master's degree scholarship at UNESA. "To appreciate their great struggle and to be a motivation for others, I have prepared a master's scholarship," he said after moving the ropes of the disabled graduates' gowns.
“UNESA must be at the forefront in the field of disability. This is our commitment together at UNESA. Everyone has the right to be successful. They are born special. They are great and just need a chance to develop. Today they proved their prowess. This is cool," said Cak Hasan again.

Work in Various Places
On average, those with disabilities who successfully pass have found jobs in various places. Like Nabila Fadilah, for example, who has worked at PT Penta Group Indonesia.
For Nabila, college does require sacrifice. Especially for those who are hearing impaired or deaf. “The most challenging thing is dealing with college assignments. Especially the Animation course," he said.
Studying in the DKV study program has always been his dream. He has a talent for drawing and design since childhood. Talent alone is not enough, he must study hard and practice completing academic assignments and projects. "Yes, you have to learn from scratch, such as using Corel Draw, Photoshop, Illustrator and so on," he explained.
Apart from being busy studying, Nabila is also active in the UNESA Center for Disability Studies and Services (PSLD). Then he was also involved in the field of technology and information and was involved in designing the application of Kampung Baluwarti Surakarta as a medium for preserving cultural heritage. “My dream is to become an entrepreneur and be able to produce works that can be useful for all. In this position, I thank all parents, lecturers and friends. Without your support, I would not have reached this position," he said.
Nurul Hikmah said the same thing. The graduate of the English Education Study Program, besides focusing on studying, is also active in organizations, the Indonesian Blind Association of East Java is one of them. For him, disability is not an obstacle to being successful. Instead, having a disability must be a whip of encouragement to be harder in learning and developing oneself.
I believe that everyone is born with their own strengths and weaknesses. Well, this advantage I have to develop and prove to the world. Of course, I will fix the shortcomings step by step,” he said enthusiastically.
He always gets up when he falls and always cheers up when he's tired. Understandably, the study program he took was quite challenging, namely English Education which not only required understanding but also speaking skills.
"I don't care what people say. I believe everything has a way. If other people can, why can't I? That's why I continued to study and move confidently until finally I was able to prove that I really can do it,” said Savira Ayu Mukti, another disabled graduate.
Savira said that during college she really used the time to improve her abilities and skills. When the pandemic was active, he took classes here and there until he found his passion in writing. “Mama and papa always instilled in them the value of time and hard work. Now the struggle is slowly paying off and I am struggling in one of the East Java media," said Savira.
Set up a Career 'Bridge'
Meanwhile, Marsudi, S.Pd., M.Pd., Head of the UNESA DKV Study Program was pleased with the success of the graduates. In accordance with UNESA's commitment, he continued, students with disabilities were prepared for special education and services. Infrastructure was also built disability-friendly with the aim of providing quality accessibility to support their learning and learning process on campus.
Even outside the campus, UNESA collaborates with various partners where students with disabilities develop their competencies. Through PLSD, for example, special programs are designed that bridge graduates to get their best careers in various institutions or companies.
“When recruiting at the DKV, of course, they work together with PSLD to ensure that they are worthy of being included in the DKV. And they proved it today. Hopefully friends with disabilities will continue to be enthusiastic in learning to develop themselves wherever they are and achieve their goals, "he hoped. [UNESA PR]
Author: Riska Umami, and Nabila
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
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