Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Department of German Language and Literature, Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS) UNESA together with the Kompasiana Traveler Community (Koteka) held a talk show about 'Bonn City Overview and Being a Journalist Abroad; Opportunities and Challenges' on Saturday (18/09/2021). Hendra Pasuhuk, Deutsche Welle Journalist, Germany was present as a speaker. Deutsche Welle (DW) is an international public broadcasting media headquartered in Bonn, Germany.
The activity was attended by the FBS academic community, ranging from the vice deans, lecturers to students from the Department of Education and German Language. In addition, there were also journalists and the general public about 200 participants from 30 institutions and 60 cities in Indonesia. There are even those from Germany.
Dr. Mintowati, M.Pd., as the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs at FBS expressed her appreciation for the collaboration that gave birth to this extraordinary discussion or talk show. According to him, the activity was interesting, both in terms of the theme that discussed the City of Bonn. The participants were indirectly invited to 'travel online' to the city on the banks of the Rhine which was once the temporary capital of West Germany.
Participants were also presented with an overview of being a journalist, both the opportunities and challenges abroad. "This will be a great knowledge and inspiration for all of us, especially for students, journalists or the like," he said.
Meanwhile, Gana Stegmann from Koteka said that since the Covid-19 outbreak, Koteka routinely held similar activities every Saturday. His party cooperates with various campuses, communities and agencies as well as the Indonesian Embassy in all over the world. "Together with UNESA, we want to provide interesting knowledge and experience for participants about being a journalist abroad and what are the challenges and competencies needed in it," he said.
On that occasion, the resource persons were guided by Vinda Maya Setianingrum, S.Sos., M.A., as the Head of UNESA Public Relations UPT who acted as moderator. Hendra Pasuhuk first told about his career journey to becoming a Deutsche Welle journalist. Turns out, he's been a journalist since he was in college. That he pursued until he could be 'headquartered' in Germany.
He explained that journalists and activists have different roles. Journalists' job is to convey information to the public in the form of news, which can be in the form of print, electronic, or online. "The information disseminated is based on facts and is usually actual," he said. Meanwhile, activists tend to highlight government policies so that they are right on target and really benefit the community. Although there are slight differences, both have an important role in governance and the sustainability of democracy.
Hendra explained that being a journalist is quite challenging. Getting information and data from various sources is not always easy. Therefore, being a journalist must be mentally prepared. Not to mention maintaining the independence, integrity and credibility of journalists and the media. It is quite challenging and indeed must be maintained. "Because integrity and credibility are media sales that cannot be paid for with money," he said. (QQ/zam)
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