Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Two students from the Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA), Rafaeliando Susanto and Shelly Rahmatika Widyani are preparing for their departure to Germany in early August 2022.
The student has the opportunity to study language and culture (Sprache und Kultur) through the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Scholarship program at two well-known German campuses for one month. Rafaeliando Susanto will study at the Universität Münster, while Shelly Rahmatika Widyani will study at the Technische Universität Dresden.
Rafael said that he had always had a high interest and desire to be able to study in other countries, including Germany. “One of my hopes is to go to Germany. There are many alumni there and also want to get to know other cultures, especially those related to education and innovations," he told the UNESA PR team yesterday (25/7/2022).
Because of this desire, Rafel was excited to apply for the student exchange program. There are many conditions that must be fulfilled, which of course drains energy and mind. The most challenging, he said, was during the interview session which was full in German and could not even utter a single Indonesian word.
"Because I have prepared in advance, so I can give my best in the interview session," he said.
It's a good fortune, of course, to be able to study and feel the atmosphere of a campus in Germany. Therefore, he will make the best use of his time studying at the campus in the North Rhine-Westphalia region, the German state.
“I have a target, while I am there I will learn many things, so I will bring supplies for UNESA. At least the way of thinking, learning and educational innovations can be our reference at UNESA,” he said.
Meanwhile, Shelly Rahmatika Widyani said that the opportunity she got was the fruit of the hard work she had done so far. The German Literature student continued that his struggle was an investment for the future. "Because there is nothing that can be done to realize that dream other than hard work, smart and of course sincere," he said.
After returning from Germany, the 2019 student plans to share his experiences in Germany with Indonesian students. In addition, of course, guide other students so that they can have the same opportunity to study in other countries. He explained that there were a number of preparations needed, including a German language certificate, CV and motivation of letter.
“If you pass the interview, it is not far from the topic of yourself in choosing Germany as a study destination. Hopefully in a short time there can gain as much knowledge and experience as possible so that you can return home with supplies that can be a contribution. Hopefully this can give us pride, our parents, campus and the country,” he hoped. [UNESA PR]
Author: Riska Umami, Dhebby Silvia Putri
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Dhebby Silvia Putri photo documentation
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