Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–UNESA's Department of German Language and Literature held a guest lecture with Dr. Raimond Selke, German Language Teaching Consultant on Tuesday (12/10/2021). The activity, which was held virtually, was a collaboration between UNESA's German Language and Literature Department and Cornelsen Verlag (Berlin). The theme carried is 'Aktuelle Theme in der Landeskunde und deren Relevanz für Zertifikatsprüfung' or Current Topics in Cultural Studies and Its Relevance to Certification Exams.
In his remarks, Syafiul Anam, S.Pd., M.Pd., Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni of the Faculty of Language and Arts revealed that culture plays an important role in language. The two cannot be separated. Learning a language is not just learning grammar and vocabulary. However, also studying socio cultural competence. "We learn a language, like it or not, we have to be able to interact with other cultures or native speakers of the language we are learning," he said. In the discussion of language, interculture awareness is very important, because it can help someone understand the language and its context of use and norms.
The event was moderated by Tri Edliani Lestari, S.S., M.Hum., a lecturer in the Department of German Language and Literature UNESA. Dr. Raimond Selke on that occasion discussed various cultures and lifestyles in Germany. He described various surveys, one of which was from the DACH related to Germany. In addition, he also discussed various German language certification exams and their objectives such as Goethe –Institute certificates, Deutsch – test für Zuwanderer (DTZ), TestDaf, DSH, ZFA and SD.
Raimond Selke invited the participants to get to know the various forms of questions that appear in the German language certificate exam, such as lessen or reading questions, hören or listening, and schreiben or writing and sprechen or speaking. The participants, who were mostly students majoring in German Language and Literature, welcomed the model of discussion and discussion by the presenters. Especially when the interaction is built through dialogue with video media. In addition, Raimond Selke also discussed various things related to various small assignments for students to be discussed in the next meeting, on Tuesday (26/10/2021).
According to Syafiul Anam, culture and interculture awareness are very important in language. "This is not a matter of how we assimilate and explore our identity according to our culture or try to maintain our own culture," he said. He further discusses how to build a space between our own culture and the culture of the language being studied. He hopes that in the future this kind of activity can support international certification for both students and majors. (Hasna/zam)
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