UNESA is committed to improving the quality of food services and products through capacity building training.
Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) collaborates with the Surabaya Health Service (Dinkes) to hold Knowledge Capacity Building Training on Food Handlers' Sanitation Hygiene on Thursday, October 3 2024 at the Lidah Wetan Campus 2 Rectorate Building.
Head of the Public Health Division of the Surabaya Health Office, dr. Kartika Sri Redjeki said that this training aims to make participants understand the importance of halal, cleanliness, as well as other factors such as food safety, proper cooking methods, and the use of hygienic equipment.
"After completing this series of activities "Participants are expected to obtain halal certification as well as practical knowledge about hygiene and sanitation for food handlers," he said.
The activity, which lasted for two days until October 4 2024, was attended by a total of 100 participants from catering services, canteens, restaurants, homes. hospitals and hotels.
The participants who attended received in-depth exposure to foodborne diseases and various types of contaminants that can endanger health. This material was delivered by health experts from the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University.

This training was attended by participants from various elements of UNESA catering services, canteens, restaurants, hospitals and hotels.
After that , participants were given advanced material by the National Hospitality Certification Business Certification Institute, which includes handling refrigeration equipment, the process of cooking food properly, as well as independent quality control through the application of HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points).
In the session Next, Indonesian Pest Control Practitioners also provide understanding regarding pest control, especially insects, flies and rats which often become problems in food management.
Next, material regarding legal regulations related to food hygiene and sanitation, as well as an explanation regarding the structure and layout of a good kitchen was delivered by representatives of the East Java Provincial Health Office.
Not only that, participants also gained additional knowledge about food preservation methods and the safe use of food additives, which was conveyed by the Supervisory Agency Medicine and Food (BPOM) Surabaya.
In closing, the Surabaya City Health Office delivered material regarding the requirements and principles of sanitary hygiene that must be applied in food management places (TPM), in order to ensure that food hygiene and safety standards are met. high.[]
Reporter: Saputra (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: PR Team UNESA
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