Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Class of 2017 students of the Visual Communication Design study program, Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Surabaya (UNESA) exhibited 142 works ranging from branding, digital storytelling, digital illustration, digital animation, photography, videography, web design, to game design at the ENIGMA Exhibition which will be held online on June 14-16, 2021.
The volume exhibition of the two-course Publication of Works displays two types of works, namely thematic works and portfolio works. Thematic works are exhibited on the enigmaexhibition.id website. Meanwhile, portfolio works are “on display” at behance.net/enigmaexhibition. The event was opened by the Head of Visual Communication Design Study Program UNESA, Marsudi, S.Pd., M.Pd and the Lecturer for the publication course, M. Rois Abidin, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Marsudi said that ENIGMA is an encoding machine that is used to encrypt and describe secret messages. The meaning of the machine is represented in the cast, namely as a way for students to convey messages to the wider community through the work and creativity of visual communication designs. "I believe, young people are energetic and free to interpret and produce design works from various perspectives, perspectives and philosophies without limits," said Marsudi.
The ENIGMA 2021 exhibition, he continued, took the theme "Chromatic". The theme is a representation of life which is always attached to color. "Sometimes we often forget that dark colors can actually be our strengths, and colors that can make us personal and attractive characteristics," he said.
The freedom of students to work is very important and it is accommodated in the Merdeka Learning and Independent Campus (MBKM) curriculum. Through the implementation of the curriculum, students are free to develop their potential with various methods and techniques in designing and presenting design works, as well as the application of design works.
On behalf of DKV, he expressed his gratitude and appreciation for holding the event. He hopes that the work presented will benefit the community. "This activity is very important, because students who will soon graduate will become part of problem solvers in the community," he said.
Meanwhile, Rois Abidin hopes that the exhibition will be a place to show students' skills in designing and delivering useful and meaningful messages to the community. Especially now that the community is being hit by a wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, plus natural disasters that occurred in several areas, then political turmoil and so on are momentum that students can respond to through innovative works.
The messages can be in the form of socialization, education, and can also be humanist or humorous. "Visual communication design has an important role in providing understanding to the public about the meaning and meaning of messages through innovative works, therefore I really hope that your work (students, ed) is expected and needed by the community, show it," he said.
In addition to displaying works, the event was also coupled with a talk show entitled “ENITALK” which was attended by Dhimas Bagus, a comic artist and Inovensius Hugo, S.Ds, M.Sn as speakers. On that occasion, Dhimas Bagus delivered a discussion about "Taking a Real Life Colors into Visual Design", while Inovensius Hugo discussed "How to Make an Attractive Story Based Visual Content for Videography Producing". (Unesa Public Relations)
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