Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Through the MBKM program, the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) continues to improve the quality of service and involvement of its students in various cities, regions to villages or sub-districts. As in the City of Heroes, for example, a group of UNESA students were involved in the development of the Education Village-Arek Suroboyo Village.
The collaboration program is a commitment of the Surabaya City Government with universities, including UNESA in developing educational villages. UNESA's involvement is in accordance with its advantages, which are packaged in the form of assistance through the role of Thematic KKN students who are placed in several sub-districts and villages.
In the Awarding for the Educational Village of Kampunge Arek Suroboyo on Thursday (9/12/2021), Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi, S.T., M.T., appreciated UNESA's quick response through its programs and the important role of its students in Surabaya. Through MBKM, students immediately implement their abilities in the community.
He continued, through assistance from campuses such as UNESA, it is hoped that there will be new standards and innovations in moving Suroboyo Village so that it can continue to advance with the times. “Educational village is a place to create friendly villages for all people; child-friendly, disability-friendly and family friendly," he said.
Meanwhile, UNESA Vocational Director Dr. Martadi, M.Sn., stated that the synergy between the government and universities is very important at this time. UNESA is always ready to support and assist according to its field of excellence. Including in advancing the education village in Surabaya.
He added that there were around 68 students deployed by UNESA in various urban villages in Surabaya. The students run the program for six months and will end in January 2022. One of their duties in the field is to provide intensive assistance to cadres of educational villages in each kelurahan.
Of course it can't be arbitrary, students have previously been trained and equipped with various skills. At first, students must identify what the potential and needs of the village are. Then plan and design the program what will be done and implement it. Then, an evaluation is carried out.
"Because this is a collaborative work, students in the field work together with many stakeholders, including sub-district and sub-district officials, as well as youths," he said. He hopes that the educational village in Surabaya will continue to develop and become one of the flagships of the City of Heroes. [UNESA PR]
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