Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic not only has an impact on health problems, but also targets the education sector. Learning that was originally face-to-face has now turned into online. Facing this, the State University of Surabaya collaborated with the Covid-19 Handling Task Force to hold a Webinar entitled "Students: Become Heroes of Behavior Change, Who's Afraid?" via online media zoom and youtube streaming on Wednesday (11/17/2021).
The event, which was moderated by Kenia Ayu, presented two speakers, namely Dr. Sonny Harry B. Harmadi SE., ME., Head of the Behavior Change Division of the Covid-19 Handling Task Force and Drs. Martadi, M.Sn., UNESA Lecturer.
Chairman of the Behavior Change Division of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Sonny Harry B. Harmadi said that the establishment of the field was intended to deal with the problem of COVID-19 transmission from upstream, namely by encouraging the acceleration of changes in people's behavior to comply with 3M. He hopes that awareness and changes in behavior can break the chain of transmission of COVID-19.
"We would like to thank the ambassadors from among students who want to go directly to the field to conduct behavior change education in the community so that they comply with the 3M health protocol for prevention and stopping the transmission of COVID 19," said Sonny.
He explained that the field of Behavior Change for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force was supported by three very important and mutually supportive sub-sectors, namely the Education, Socialization and Mitigation sub-sectors. "We hope that this team will be able to forge solid and complementary collaborations (government, media, community, business players, and academics)," he said.
As an indicator of the success of this program, among others, an increase in the percentage of people who change their behavior from non-compliant to more obedient, a decrease in the number of active cases of COVID-19 transmission in the target area, a change in the zoning status of the risk of COVID-19 transmission in the target area. "Public awareness is very necessary in breaking the chain of the spread of COVID-19, we must comply with government policies that can prosper the community," he explained.
In the discussion, Martadi also emphasized that the impact caused by the Covid-19 had an impact on various aspects of life, so it could not be seen only in the legal and health aspects, but also in economic, educational, social, political and cultural aspects.
The Covid-19 outbreak has become a means to revive the spirit of gotong royong based on human values. “Our existence as social beings who cannot live alone, and always needs the help of others, we need to rethink. Our social nature has given birth to a need for social life which is based on mutual cooperation and humanity," he said. [UNESA PR]
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